The stupid is all over the place...
Over in Customers Suck, a customer herself
posts about a personal conflict she got into with some lady at a grocery store over when it is appropriate to say "excuse me". Suddenly, it turns into an issue of racism, and the OP uses some big words.
Also, she thinks she might have seen the cashier give something away for free, and wants to know where to report that.
zipzoomcrash thinks that's just
mean Shenanigans are called because
nobody talks like that IRL.
From there,
commonsensehere calls the OP
ignorant because hating children is the
exact same thing as
being racist.
So far, pretty small. Only 48 posts and unlocked. My question is... where were the customers? This chick doesn't even work at this place, and generally when you "witness customer suck" if involves the customer giving an employee shit, not another customer.
There... edited for HTML fail.