Willy Wonka=child abuser

Jun 23, 2007 12:29

Over in feminist (yeah, I know), a post is made about troublesome icons being used in the community depicting violence against women and girls. Fair enough.

Apparently, though, an icon used by member lapetitepaumee depicting spoiled brat Veruca Salt from Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (or is it Charlie? I always get the two titles confused) being, erm, physically requested to shut the fuck up, and STOP LICKING THE MAGICAL WALLPAPER, is offensive to michaelsullivan who claims that it is a picture of child abuse.

I get the critique of sexism in classic movies and fairy tales, and being one of those annoying feminists myself, I even appreciate it. But, seriously, Willy Wonka is a child abuser? If I were him I would have taken it a step further and slapped the little brat across her face.

feminist, icon wank, oppression, 300 comments

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