Slight stupid, but it has definate potential to turn into a total wankfest.
starliteunicorn writes a post in
customers_suck about people who don't speak English as their native language choosing "English" for assistance instead of their native language.
It's all well and good until she gives the old "justification" of,
I'm not a redneck. As a matter of fact, I frequent one of the best mexican restaurants in town and I LOVE the servers there. I just can't understand you when your 'C's sound like S, Q, F, P and 10 other letters of the alphabet..
The real stupid comes when
pewter_wings informs her that she might want to take out that bit as it won't go over too well, and she responds that,
Definately a joke-but I figure people'll bitch at me anyway. I wanna give them a good target. ^_- Joke? Alright. Next she'll claim it was all a SOSHUL XPERMENT!
Well, let them have at it if that's what she wants. Unlocked at time of posting.
EDIT: Here's the text of the entry in case of editations or bahleetion:
If you cannot speak english EXTREMELY CLEARLY? Listen to the options. We have several different options to choose from-all of them spoken IN those languages.
I completely understand you aren't 'stupid' when I ask you, as I'm struggling to understand your VERY thick accent, if you'd like me to transfer you to the spanish line. I'm sorry. I grew up in the south eastern US. I understand redneck, and I really DO understand what you're saying to your buddy about me being an 'idiotic cunt'... or words to that effect.
However, my spanish is terrible. I'm working to improve that, but until I do, please... PLEASE. Choose your first language in which to speak with road service.. It'll get us out there a LOT faster and everyone will be MUCH happier.
Understand: I'm not racist. I don't hate you because you're a 'beaner' (his words! wtf?). I'm not a redneck. As a matter of fact, I frequent one of the best mexican restaurants in town and I LOVE the servers there. I just can't understand you when your 'C's sound like S, Q, F, P and 10 other letters of the alphabet. Our sentences end up being something along the lines of 'H for Airy,A for Opal,Teee for Mom.' or at least that's what you sound like over my headset. And if you insist on talking to my 'stupid' english speaking ass? Don't be offened when I ask you if you said 'A for Apple?' or 'O for Opal?'.
EDIT 2: Oh look, she's decided to join the festivities here!