Ooh, time for
anti-feminism wank! Again. Aren't you all just so excited? :3
This time around,
charlycrash (who's icon, incidentally, I find horrifying) posts
a long-ass ramble about how he has trouble getting a job and how he wishes they would wank about the mentally ill, the oppressed minority group to which he belongs, as much as they do about every other painfully specific group out there. Or something.
Cue BATTLE TO THE GODDAMN DEATH. armchairshrink is actually pretty funny.
A few people actually do say that mental health is indeed looked after by the -Ism Police prowling about. I'm one of them. Blahblah.
But the real clincher?
He doesn't really read feminist all that much. But that's ok, because you know, people tend to see what happens everywhere while they're not around.
So yeah. Enjoy. XD