Over in the lovely, usually peaceful land of
metaquotes, there is suddenly unrest.
This quote, posted by
wraithlord42, instantly turns into wank.
If this isn't flame-bait, I dunno what is.
The quote, in case of deletion, says
"It's not news when someone goes on a killing spree with a handgun in the US. It wouldn't be news if there was a fucking rocket launcher involved. It's Dog Bites Man. Nobody is even remotely surprised - I suspect that even the victims gave a little sigh of boredom as they were gunned down. -
unimag Edited with extra stupid:
tenshinofushigi shares this insight:
wraithlord42 has another username, which he mentions in a post on that journal,
odontomachus. On that journal, he's a lovely little passage:
"As part of a dreadful conspiracy with unimag, I metaquoted him. The idea is to cause such a storm of wank that yea, the foundations of the servers themselves shall be rocked. You'll note I used my old LJ, disabled comments and posted under an unrecognisable icon. Sadly, the trend so far seems to be less of the "wank" variety than the "let's wait for wank" variety... but that's funny too. Anything to cause a stir.""
Step up right here for your complementary torches and pitchforks. Single file.