I don't normally watch
childfree but someone linked me to this post, and I've been watching it all night hoping someone would call this girl on her bullshit.
amazongrace is
"so fucking sick of Mexican families bringing in their entire families when they come to get their checks cashed", because, as we all know, everyone can afford a babysitter when running errands. Then she says "It's gotten to where I want to pretend not to understand their English and just go on break to avoid the shrieking."
Lo and behold, no one calls her on her racist bullshit! In fact,
most people add to it. This post is public as of posting. Have fun!
EDIT: Someone got butthurt and f-locked the post, but
heart_rachel still had it up.
A place to rant...
Sorry, for this guys, but I just need a place to rant. I've been simmering about it all weekend.
I live in central Texas and work at a local bank, and I am so fucking sick of Mexican families bringing in their entire families when they come to get their checks cashed, not to mention compaining every time I have to levy a fee for cashing the check since they don't have an account. I didn't make up the fee! Stop trying to hide your income and get a fucking bank account somewhere! Argh!
But the real point is the kids. These women come in with four kids and one in the oven, and heaven forbid they tell like Jorge or Jesus to stop climbing on the counters, or dumping out the little candy bowl to pick through for their favorites. I'm not trying to be racist, but I see this so much with Mexican families that I think it must be some kind of epidemic. It's gotten to where I want to pretend not to understand their English and just go on break to avoid the shrieking.
~This rant brought to you by Uno, Dos, Tres, and fucking Cuatro ninos~
alwaysthequiet1 says:
Don't feel bad, I totally understand. I live in a small town with lots of
illegals and, if they don't import their families, they get right to making
families with the local girls. And they always travel in hoards. Because of
the culture of machismo (among other factors), it's considered a woman's
sole duty to bear and rear children. I don't know why more women's groups
are not outraged over the treatment Mexican men inflict on their wives.
veronica_rich responds with:
I don't know why more women's groups are not outraged over the treatment
Mexican men inflict on their wives.
Because that's encroaching on a non-European culture and it wouldn't be
politically correct.
Don't you know anything about America? It's okay to invade a nation and tell
its people how to do things, but not to inflict any of our mores or
expectations on people who want to COME into this country. (Yeah, I'm being
a smartass. If you want to come here and take advantage of our bounty,
obviously you think we're doing something right, so you ought to learn a few
of those things.)
sandtigress adds:
Yeah, I live in Fort Worth, and it makes me shake my head that they don't
control their kids and just keep churning them out. I know the culture there
and all, but still. Makes me glad I'm not a part of it.
amazongrace again:
They control the girls but not the boys, I've noticed. It's the boys who
scream and cry. The girls are usually silent.
There's more, but I'm afraid it's lost behind f-lock unless some members of
childfree want to email me some more choice tidbits. *hinthint*