Hermione Granger and the Beer That Drove Her Fans Insane.

Feb 28, 2006 18:15

Previously posted to fandom_wank, but this goes beyond fandom, to broad spectrum STUPID.

ohnotheydidnt posted a pic (remember that: one picture) of Emma Watson "drinking" a Corona .

Now most people with half a brain some perspective would take a look at the pic and determine that this is a joke pic. "Ha ha! Look at me! I'm boozing it up! LOL!"

But people like that tend not to post to ONTD, and a torrent (14 pages and counting) of overreaction - and sadly typical - mouthbreathery (mixed in with a scattering of "She's not really drinking that, guys") spewed forth...

Some random samplings...

ephyre: Oh, Emma.

arcadianzero: w corona is nasty. so is emma.

red_rockstar: looks photoshopped. (O RLY?)

xellabelle: oh, Emma. =( I thought you weren't one of those people.

monotonebanana: LOVES IT. dude, alcohol is not a big deal in countries that are NOT the uptight America.

ilikesidewalks: Sad. I always thought she'd be better than some stupid trashed teen.

Meanwhile, the scatterings of "She's not actually drinking it, people" posts are ignored like so much detritus...

Edited to fix wonky formatting.

Edited again because I'm a idiot who didn't notice auto-formatting was turned off...

Edit #3: New posting, new pics, new stupid. "She's obviously drunk here!"

ohnotheydidnt, fandom

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