Is this (the third comment down) really all one needs now to get banned? I'm not sure whether to be proud, offended, or amused. Maybe some combination of the three.
I just don't understand why, if she made a community called mock_the_stupid, we get banned when we mock her. (I got banned for asking her that, actually.)
*good thing I'm not part of mock_the_stupid or I might get banned for that :P
**Can we make a comm called mock_the_supids_mod ? I mean either to mock this particular mod or stupid mods in general? That would be hi-Larrious. If I was the mod for the MTSM I would expect you guys to make fun of me :P
It's quite ironic that the mod of that community seems to be so stupid herself.
And yes. But hilarious.
*good thing I'm not part of mock_the_stupid or I might get banned for that :P
**Can we make a comm called mock_the_supids_mod
? I mean either to mock this particular mod or stupid mods in general? That would be hi-Larrious. If I was the mod for the MTSM I would expect you guys to make fun of me :P
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