I remember when the snark comms used to be funny, like middle school children at a lunch table. Now they've turned into Women's Studies 101, full of a bunch of angry broads with no sense of humor. It's like there's a Constantly Offended Brigade goose-stepping all over the internet, searching for someone to spark their righteous indignation. Then they can bust out one of their catch-phrases, like 'victim-blaming, ableism or rape-culture'. The latter cracks me up, like every time I hear RAEP CULTURE, it makes me picture a bunch of frat boys acting out that scene from A Clockwork Orange, with a big mob of guys running around going BOOLOOBOOLOOBOOLOOBOOLOO!!!!!!!!, then breaking into random people's houses and raping their women. Also, what is up with this new trend of 'trigger warning this and trigger warning that...'. It's something new that just started happening within the last couple months. They never used to do it back in the day, before I was banned from
sf_drama and people were comfortable using the word 'retard' as an insult. It's like, I'm sorry you had something bad happen to you, but get over yourselves, seriously. There are people with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder who have fought in a fucking war, yet you don't see big mobs of angry veterans bullying people on the internet. Anyway, now that I've said what I've wanted to say, I'll leave you with a cartoon: