Bad_service is the best service of all... it never fails to deliver!

Oct 08, 2009 13:40

Okay, stop groaning. Over in bad_service, amethystcitrine makes a perfectly reasonable post about not being able to get pizza at a pizza place. Five times.

While most of the comments are either sympathy or "yeah that's probably a front," thenodrin says that amethystcitrine just isn't being fair. And also, stop being mean to Pizza Hut!

Which is where the real stupid comes in. When people start saying that Pizza Hut makes them sick, thenodrin replies:

That actually is common. It is because the sauce is nothing more than tomato paste and water mixed together with a tiny bit of basil and garlic. So, anyone with the slightest reaction to tomatoes is going to have a reaction to the pizza.

Yup. Pizza Hut makes people sick because they're allergic to tomatoes. (Also, thenodrin signs their comments and so should be duly scorned.)
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