I'm sick of this tombstone mentality/If there's an afterlife, then it'll set you free

Aug 15, 2009 01:07

I just got hit with the worst craving for root beer. I gave up pop a long time ago because it's crap for your body, but. I suppose it's a good thing we only have diet pepsi (which tastes like crap), so there's no temptation at home. I hate having cravings. Ugh. Maybe I'll just go eat grapes.

Actually, I should probably go clean my ears (just got 'em pierced, at seventeen, which is a little sad). I'm supposed to clean them three times a day, and the last time I cleaned them was at 10:30am and it's 1:30 am now, so. They're probably going to be infected.

And I've been butchering my typing a lot lately. More than I should. I mean, I spelled half the words in this post wrong while I was typing and left out a billion conjunctions. Hell, I'm even leaving out subjects. My speech has gotten worse too. I'm probably spending too much time listening to my mom talk. Or I'm going crazy. Eh.

Speaking of my mom, I just really don't understand her. I've started writing out my admissions essays (because it's going to take a long long time) and picking out the schools I want to go to, and my mom's just like. She literally said to me, you're going to apply to this school and that school, and I'm like. Mom. You can't just tell me which schools to go to! And then, y'know, we got into an argument, because she wants me to go to Harvard, and I really really really don't. She's picking out all these, these Ivy League schools, and those are the schools I want to go to the least. I mean, I can understand that my mom wants me to go to the best schools, but she's not listening to me. It frustrates me. I'd like to think I have some choice in this.
Ugh, whatever. I'm just really sick of all this.

Anyway, I just got Shinedown's "Sound of Madness" album, which makes me so happy. So I'm going to go plug myself into my radio, listen to Shinedown's angstier songs, and generally just emo out until I feel better.

Speaking of Shinedown, me and Julie (Julie and I) pumped Shinedown in my minivan in the middle of the hospital parking lot after us volunteers got let out. It was a lot of fun, being able to hang with her. I haven't seen her since the beginning of summer.

And speaking of the hospital, Brendan has promised me Breaking Benjamin autographs, and the possibility of tickets. I'm estatic.

Oh. I really better go to sleep. Tomorrow, everyone's actually going to home in the morning, so I'm going to make banana waffles and some regular waffles so I can put some of our fresh strawberries on top. It'll be so good. And, hopefully, there'll be enough bananas left over to make bread. I'm so excited, even if I can't eat any of it. (5 more pounds, and I can use my "gourmet" cupcake and muffin mix...*drool*)

Fuck. Now I want to eat fruit (and we have so much now....grapes, cantalope, freaking watermelon) and this late night snacking has to stop.


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