That....was different

Mar 12, 2009 21:58

I am so damn disappointed with Supernatural. I've been looking forward to this episode for an entire freaking month and it's just....just gah! I mean really. I...I just don't know.

Did anyone else feel like there was something missing? Cas seemed the same ("Because every time I ask you to do something, you always do the exact opposite." xD), but Sam and Dean and Tessa, god don't even get me started with Tessa. I liked the part where Tessa tells Dean there's "no such thing as miracles" and the associated conversation, but wasn't it just a little too convenient? Tessa giving Dean his memories back (yuck) and the whole "I've got a hole in my gut and it was you" god it sounds like a bad country song.

"Death Takes A Holiday" had such good potential. It had a good plot! But it just felt...flat. All of it. The angst, pain, guilt and more angst...none of it felt right, real. The lines didn't, they didn't, they didn't have any feeling in them. I don't know. I loved how the brothers have changed, Sam especially, but.

I'm just so damn disappointed.

But. Here's hoping the next episode will be better. I'm psyched. Can you say irony?

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