Aug 26, 2003 12:00
Well holy fucking shit; yeah, I said who gives a shit; after the trip I had to Maine I don't. Fucking America West Airlines, never ever ever fly with those cocks. [Fucking A] They can't even keep track of baggage, the service is bad, stick to what you know, and that is Alaska, Delta, American, and US Air, Continental. What the fuck so I'm flying right, I check my bags in at the Air Fucking Port in Juneau, all the way to Boston; so has I check in I'm like well Alaska wont lose my luggage, then we go to security and I'm flying with Matt, Barney and Jason. It was a good flight to seattle, I laughed my ass off when Big B, and Matt were searched,and Matt was a little drunk and slept the whole flight.
So we land in Seattle, we go our seperate ways [ going back to my baggage]: so I go check in the scan my baggage tag and everything is cool, except I have this feeling they're going to lose the bag with all my close; so I get on this Shit little plane to Phoneix, which looks like a MD-80 with like no room on it, I'm craped the service is bad and my fucking beer was 5 bucks... Bull Shit...... (you get my drift).
So I land in Phoneix and hitch a ride to Boston, still on American Fucking West, I fly have so Alch, and try to sleep. Well I'm going to skip a few hours since, and Now I'm in Boston, well fucking Logan Airport for ten hours, fuck... now I'm at the Baggage Claim for america west, well the fucking Airline lost a shit load of peoples baggage, not that they really care cause who needs cloths to wear? Anyone? Well they lost it, and their service is shitty, and I'm trying to find out where my bag is, well its not there yet, fill out this fucking paper,put your name and all that bull shit on it, then your number.. "umm well thats great, I don't fucking have one." (call my parents) Yeah, so i did that, and had my parents do the tracking for me; I'm also stuckin in the Airport for 10 hrs, well I'm trying to sleep, cause i'm tired been up all fucking day, or two whatever I don't know. So I'm sleeping at the ticket area, well by it, and I wake up a couple times, well the third time there is a boot by me, its fucking MA State Police, "No sorry sir you can't sleep there." Well alright. (What The Fuck) I want to sleep you know, (thinking so my slef) I have no where to sleep the USO is closed, and I'd already lost my bags so, i'm not giveing the State Police my Mil ID so I can get a key to it... So I go sit on the chair for a few hours, after the officer had asked me when my flight was, and said I couldn't sleep there, since I had no where else to go and lost my bags. (hope this all makes sense) "Not that I give a Shit" Well finaly I'm camping out in the line at the ticket counter, with like four other people, well sat there for like two hours, then checked in.... with only one bag, then my carry ons cause American West, decided to lose my bag because they're incompitent...
Well Now its time for my flight, and I get on this small ass US Airways twin turbo plane, with better service, and the flight wasn't bad, the flight Attendant was hot, oh yeah and Nice not a bitch, even though she was stuck on this small plane, well I'm flying to Presque Isle, Maine, and the landing in to the town was bumpy but not that bad. So I land and had to take a taxi with this couple not that bad; except my taxi driver is a freak... yeah well thats the only word I can think of to describe him: I got his whole fucking life story on how he married a Canadian, then divorced her cause she went back to Canada,and now the drive has to stay hear in this town cause the chick he is marrying likes it here.
Well I'm at the School now, no net for a day, I have my room and Shit, the RA is cool, my room is right next to her, the food is good I guess, but i've never seen so many hicks in my life... lol...
Well so I finally got my bag back, yeah they found it, no Yea, cause well I was still pist, So I went to the Airport, which has only one Airline US Airlines, and they gave me my bag, and may I just say "Fuck You America West, I won't fly with you ever again, If you fly cheap, they lose your bags."
Lesson learned; I'll pay a little extra for a ticket, that way I won't need to worry about my bags.... and thats the end of my rant.