Apr 06, 2006 01:05
Tonight's iCLUB was my last Box Night performance. We had a number of the elite iTeam members come into to perform with us, as well as some newer members. So there was a good mix of skill level and training. We had great stories. The first story was kinda nice, very much like our usual stories. I was still in metaphor mode from Monday night, but that didn't pick up. The second one started to get surreal, and was brought to a "crazy" story, and then back to sanity. That doesn't get pulled off very often. It was our best story, and it turns out was completely synced up to the spect's actual life. (Collective Subconscious) And the third story was almost a haunted house experience. We had a lot of fun playing with the spect's head. I would just wander aound the box and beat the walls in. Running around the box beating on the walls and startling the spect. It was fun.
Then we went out to eat.
Now I have an assload of work to catch up on.