Puppet Film

Apr 05, 2008 02:06

Jim and I are getting a lot further with our film. We have a lot of puppets to make, so we split it up into three groups and hired three designers. We just finished working with the third one and I couldn't be happier with his sketches. I can't believe how professional these pictures look and how the puppets being built are coming out.

Also, we have gotten some good responses to our script. We have some commercial producers reading them and they will give us their professional opinion on it soon, though this kind of story might not be up their alley.

A friend of mine also read it and is having us taking a crack at re-writing a script he has that needs polishing so we sort of got hired as script writers for another producer. He is also talking to a few independent producers that might like our movie to see if they are willing to bring in funding or distribution for a co-producer sort of deal. I'm taking this lightly as I don't really know how that works and I don't want to loose any creative control.

We may be getting real puppeteers coming in during the filming, but this will mean that we will have to film out here in Los Angeles instead of our original plan of Wisconsin. This is still up for debate, we have to see which one has more perks.

Even though I am still unemployed I've been working my butt off. Hopefully I will be getting paid for it soon.
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