Just late enough to watch more TGWTG videos of cheesy horror TV shows and post a meme!
'The iPod Shuffle Meme
No, not that one. Let's be honest, when we need inspiration, the first place we go is our music library. So let's try something a little bit different. My music library is no help to me, but maybe it can be for someone else. Here's how this thing works:
1) Comment to this post, and I'll give you a prompt in the form of whatever song shuffles up next on whatever music player I've got going at the time.
2) Turn on the music player of your choice to shuffle, post this to your own journal and dole out prompts. No, you can't hide your shameful music. If it shuffles up, that's the gig.
3) Write/draw/whatever way you create for the prompt you've been given: post it. Again, no hiding the shame. Even if you think it's awful, post it.
4) Link your finished product to the prompt comment, because it's always lovely to see the results.'
I may skip a song if I can't find a YouTube link, since then I won't have a convenient way to link you to the music!
Alas, I have not finished my own prompt because I am still slow. But again! Day off tomorrow. If I don't spend it napping (which I might) I may do some writing! Or just waste time on the internet, y'know.
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http://stunt-muppet.dreamwidth.org/286686.html and has
comments there. You can comment here or at
http://stunt-muppet.dreamwidth.org/286686.html?mode=reply with OpenID.