I haven't been here very much have I.

Jan 21, 2012 23:14

I've been drawing and writing rather than posting anything. Oh, and surviving in the wonderful world of retail and its many cold germs.

...I had a cold three weeks ago, I've got another one now, and in between I had an eye infection, okay, I'm kind of pissed off.

So, in regards to the writing, would anyone be willing to beta a first draft of the first chapter of the Big Huge Crazy AU? I'd kind of like to finish at least two chapters before I start posting so this doesn't become a deadfic (although I did some writing on the second chapter of No Victims Only Volunteers today! I really really did!), but a lot of it was either freewritten or practically dragged out of my brain with a winch and cable, so I need to be sure it makes sense and I didn't muddle up my tenses again.

It's probably going to be about 2000 words when the first chapter's finished, TFA, post-S3, gen but dark. Would anyone be willing to beta?

Ugh, I hate head colds so much. *crawls through piles of tissues*

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transformers, writing, beta request, fanfics

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