And now some tremendous fandom silliness.

Oct 22, 2011 01:36

So while I've been doing labs (which is why I haven't posted most of this week, that and having not much of anything to say), I've been listening to/watching back episodes of Brows Held High. And then some of Diamanda Hagen's reviews as well, which cover much more pulp and kitsch.

Between those three, I've had no less than three (contains flashing lights) weird, graphic indie films that explore the connection between sex and Communist revolution. And in some cases equate the two. Oh, and two of them were made in the former Yugoslavia. (The videos are all censored, though still not very worksafe, and are still rather interesting watches if only for a glimpse at these peculiar movies and the movements they represented.)

And, because the proper response to political art films is to write fanfic about children's shows, I ended up thinking about this.

So we get to the end of TF: Prime Season 1 and OP's had his memory rebooted, right, to the point where he appears to have forgotten much of the war and thinks he and Megs are on the same side.

And it's kind of a fannish in-joke that the comic-verse Decepticons are robot communists, given the goal of a classless society and Gladiator Megatron's manifestos, right?

Yeah, so basically I ended up thinking about crackfics of mindwiped!OP/Megs. Fucking for the revolution. And possibly shouting slogans about the indoctrination and placating of the masses at the climax. Gladiatorial combat is an opiate! Down with the caste hierarchy!

There are only two conclusions I can reach here:

1) I watch some weird fucking movies.
2) I'm in some weird fucking fandoms.

transformers, randomness, things i want to write

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