Guys guys guys.
Did you know that
Mark Strong is going to play Sinestro in the upcoming Green Lantern movie? Because Mark Strong is going to play Sinestro in the Green Lantern movie, which is EXTREMELY EXCITING. I hate to be all DC biased and everything but MARK STRONG GREEN LANTERN MOVIE EEEEEE.
I refuse to admit that the prospect of Ryan Reynolds wearing essentially body paint has anything at all to do with it.
Oh, and when I brought up the Green Lantern movie, my brother informed me that a lot of his classmates were puzzled that the Green Lantern in the movie wasn't
a black guy. That makes me a bit happy. Though I will be a touch disappointed if John Stewart isn't in this movie, at least tangentially.
Two other brief points:
1. Rango is a rather charming Spaghetti Western pastiche with really good voice work, a fantastic Ennio Morricone-style score, and some beautiful animation, and I quite recommend it, particularly if you're a fan of Westerns.
Although it's pretty sad that I'm able to pick out Bill Nighy's voice, while he's using a different accent, solely by the way he pronounces his vowels. I need to get out more.
2. The first Transformers movie is on ABC right now. My mother has insisted we keep it on because she likes it, because she likes the CGI and she finds Frenzy cute.
I'm not even sure what to do with this.