Every time I rewatch The Dark Knight I ask myself that. And also why Christopher Nolan is allergic to girls.
So I spent most of yesterday laid up with some sort of stomach flu that my entire family had passed around first. I wish I could say that I spent that day being productive and reading the book I'm supposed to review for my blog, but in truth I mostly just curled up in bed all day and read TV Tropes on my phone. And then called in sick today because my stomach was still putting up less-enthusiastic protests any time I tried to put food in it. But at least...today I maybe got some stuff done? Not very much, admittedly?
I did manage to have two increasingly bizarre dreams wherein
first, there were two old barnhouses out on a field outside my college's student union, a white one and a more beat-up black one. The white one had a film class in it on the top floor; the black one hosted a student-run BDSM club, and our first meeting was that night. Except we mostly sat around and talked about what music we were going to play. And also, my high school English teacher was at the meeting. He was also teaching the flim class in the other barn. I even remember the exact dialogue.
Me: ...this is awkward.
Him: Not really.
And then, the second night, I had an even odder dream that somehow involved a crossover between TF: Prime and The Simpsons. And it started with Homer getting in a bathtub that turned him invisible. And he sung a sea shanty. It was strange.
Also I have been watching a whole bunch of movies! Still not Tangled, much to my disappointment, but lovely lovely M and J treated me to a marathon of Muppet movies for my belated birthday and it reminded me how much I love them. A Muppet Christmas Carol is actually legitimately good! Michael Caine manages to act while surrounded by singing muppets and big chunks of the narration are pulled right from the story and it's all-around great, it should be part of everyone's Christmas plans.
We also ended up watching Muppet Treasure Island, which is equally lovely and has Tim Curry in it, even if he only gets to sing once. It is, however, much funnier now that I'm older and more familiar with the actual story of Treasure Island. Also, it got me listening to
Shiver My Timbers over and over again because I'd forgotten how catchy it was. I do believe it might even be composed by Hans Zimmer, he of those other pirate movies.
It also reminded me of how every fandom I'm in desperately needs to have a Pirate AU. Not real pirates, though. Movie pirates. They're much more fun. Oh, of course they do, just imagine how much fun Beatrice the Pirate Queen would be. Or Privateer Ziva. Or the Doctor as a rougish explorer-slash-outlaw who swaps out travelling companions. Or, hey, Transformers in general: ROBOT PIRATES.
Once I am finished with the reams of other fic I am supposed to be writing it is campy pirate AUs all around. I do need my nonsensical id-fic occasionally. And then I will learn how to draw so I can draw everyone in huge feathery hats.
Alternately, I could just write, I don't know, actual PotC fic. Speaking of which, I've decided that the Pirates of the Carribbean universe takes place in the Land of Fiction, from the Doctor Who serial
The Mind Robber. Given that it's a place run on storytelling logic where characters and concepts from just about any work of fiction can come to life and wander around freely, PotC's melange of time periods, mythological creatures, and seafaring legends makes perfect sense! I have no idea how I would use these in a fic, though. Mostly it makes crossovers easier without pedantic nerdfaces like myself having to figure out what time period the PotC movies are actually set in.
I keep coming up with these lists of progressively more insane crossovers that I know I will never write because I can't figure out an actual plot for any of them, just an idea. Thus far I've ended up with:
- That one with Maria (from Umineko) and Vector Prime (Transformers) with the latter trying to figure out what the hell she even is, because creating something from nothing just doesn't make sense that's not how the universe works etc.
- The one where Gendo Ikari (Evangelion) is a Sorceror (Umineko) and screws with everyone in the 'verse.
- The one where the Miami of CSI is the inverse of Silent Hill
- That other one where Blitzwing somehow falls into the PotC universe and becomes allies with Pirate King Elizabeth
And the thing i I know there are more and I just don't remember them! I have got to just start writing down whatever comes to mind so I have records of things.
Wow, this entry got rambling really fast. Um, have a meme!
Pick a character I've written/am likely to know about and I will give and explain the top five ideas/concepts/etc I keep in mind while writing that character that I believe are essential to accurately depicting them.
Two a.m. and I've got work in the morning. Good night, flist.