The plot is pretty standard White Guy Saves the Natives and Cutting Down Rainforests Is Bad deal but the graphics are certainly very lovely. So much blue! So much bioluminescence!
Though I was mildly disappointed that a singing cloud of smog voiced by Tim Curry didn't crop up.
1. One of those "Who Comments Here" meme things, under the cut:
Total comments: 8505
stunt_muppet 38692
airie_fairy 4543
kayliemalinza 3904
rainbowstevie 3525
viralmancer 2526
rhia_starsong 1847
eyesmadeofjade 1848
sterling_sky 1809
nentari 17010
pimpmytardis 11911
livii 11312
gorengal 11013
violetisblue 10714
primsong 10315
pixxistixx4me 10116
brewsternorth 9717
happydalek 9618
1x2foralways 9019
glock35gal 8520
widdledragon 8321
kindkit 8122
srevans 7823
elyssadc 7524
agapi42 7225
biichan 5426
eponymous_rose 5227
morgeil 5128
jeremybrettfan 4829
kennedycamelot 4730
russianmissile 3731
marah_sarie 3532
curuchamion 3333
laurus_nobilis 3234
elycien_xiii 2635
charleygirl 2636
demishock 2437
yuxonomei 2038
elliptic_eye 1839
neadods 1840
jtree 1841
silly_cleo 1842
shannonsequitur 1743
riverdresses 1644
flo_nelja 1645
chickenperson52 1546
failegaidin 1547
hatone 1448
lady_adams 1449
futuresoon 1450
prof_pangaea 1351
jcgenzie_and_co 1352
acrophilia 1253
jadoreguy 1254
bodyline 1255
drho 1256Anonymous
sister_dear 1158
persiflage_1 1059
laguera25 1060
carawj 961
xarisbanana 962
ravenskyewalker 863
eladrinfiction 864
buffyangellvr23 865
eryaforsthye 866
temporalgrace 867
wiccagirl24 868
yamx 769
hhertzof 770
thelamppost 771
amaresu 672
vandonovan 673
box_in_the_box 674
brownelcripple2 675
stellastars 676
giwu 577
eve11 578
glinda_penguin 579
not_purrrfect 480
calapine 481
settiai 482
tempusdominus10 483
minerva_fan 484
autumnevening 485
crytears 386
alouzon 387
black_rider 388
wishfulaces 389
wshaffer 390
marypseud 391
atraphoenix 392
fearlessfirefly 393
cosmic_celery 294
runtling 295
franzeska 296
antiwesley 297
esteldur 298
lost_spook 299
mawdryn24 2100
daf9 2101
lab_tech_16 2102
torn_eledhwen 2103
mondeo 2104
garber18 2105
stellaluna_ 2106
kribu 2107
sandsdream 2108
tree_and_leaf 2109
lightsnvirtues 2110
finmagik 1111
wulfae 1112
cannibalcake 1113
sailorptah 1114
urchinmoppet 1115
padawanpooh 1116
memorae 1117
magicallaw 1118
eerian_sadow 1119
friendme_4 1120
oursoliloquies 1121
ilh214 1122
sazzat 1123
ascar_chan 1124
callmedirk 1125
delorispea 1126
kowarth 1127
seiberwing 1128
romana1 1129
nam_jai 1130
bagheera_san 1131
spacehussy 1132
tainry 1133
burningxblue 1134
ghost2 1135
silver_trails 1136
purple_bug 1137
mary_pseud 1138
toomuchfandom 1139
naiad_river 1140
daisyrainwater 1141
tilly_stratford 1142
isabi 1143
revolutionaren 1144
long_winded 1145
lizamanynames 1146
robling_t 1147
nigerianprince 1148
redjumper 1149
aralias 1150
poloparadise 1151
drox 1152
wolfryder 1153
mecteol 1154
missmorrichan 1155
caia_comica 1156
pontisbright 1157
czarnalukrecja 1158
karaokegal 1159
quean_of_swords 1160
selenak 1161
lithrael 1
Generated by
LJ Comment Stats.
2. Speaking of memes, there's a rather interesting one that's going around: A "look at my id" meme about what your fanfiction says about you. Here's
my thread.
3. My college inbox is going to be cleared in a few weeks, so going through that and forwarding all the old e-mails I want to my new address (since I was an idiot and had about 200 e-mails backlogged) has been taking me a couple of days. But, one good thing about it was that I found an essay I wrote a year ago that I hadn't been able to find in print or saved on my hard drive. I had a copy of it left on the e-mail I forwarded to myself to print it, so I could still retrieve it from the file attachment! And even after all this time it was still a really kickass essay. I mean, I'm still just rather happy that I got to write an essay on how Lovecraft wrote in the Romanticist as well as Gothic modes and have my professor be okay with it (but then, it was Dr. N, and he's cool), but I think it was a legitimately good paper.
4. Still have not typed up resume. Keep meaning to do that and never doing it. Must do it tomorrow. Will do it tomorrow. No exceptions. And then I will mail it out. I just have to get that one nagging obligation off my list. Hopefully I will do it in time to, you know, get the job I was hoping for.
5. In other news, I'm meeting my orthopedist later this month, and since the bolt in my back is still bothering me, protrudes when I bend over, and hurts sometimes if I bend the right way, I think we're going to talk about getting it removed. Thankfully, since it's only one bolt, it'll require a less invasive surgery; I should only be in the hospital overnight, and would require only a week's recovery, so if I time it right I'll only have to take off work a couple of days, or go in for a reduced workday. Which, granted, I'm not crazy about since I'll potentially be in a new job at that point, but it's better than having to wait another month before I start working again.
Though I'm not thrilled at having to be operated on again, but at least it won't be as scary as the last time. And maybe they'll let me keep the bolt, though I can't think what I'll do with it. Hard to believe in a couple weeks' time it'll be a whole year since my operation.
(For people new to this journal: I have scoliosis, and last summer I had a spinal fusion with instrumentation to straighten out my spine before the curvature got worse. It was very successful - I have very little back pain now and have almost my full range of motion back - but during recovery one of the bolts holding my instrumentation in place slipped a little. My instrumentation's in no danger, but I can feel the bolt almost all the time, so my orthopedic surgeon suggested that if it was still bothering my by the one-year anniversary of my operation we could remove it.)
6. I have been writing little bits and pieces here and there, nothing involving too much commitment, but what I'm really craving is drawing and my sketchbook is still packed up somewhere. I've had the urge to draw for a while now, so that's nothing really new, but what I've really wanted to draw is cracked-out crossover fanart. I suspect that has a lot to do with listening to various songs from the Utena soundtrack (especially
Zettai Unmei Mokushiroku) and thus wanting to draw characters from all over my fandoms in duelists' uniforms. You have to admit Zoe Herriot, Sari Sumdac, and Cam Saroyan would look good in them.
I really should rewatch Utena. Maybe now that I'm older I'll understand more of it.
So far as writing goes I've worked on a couple of scenes for my long-overdue cliche-swap ficathon piece, mostly polishing scenes I've already written but occasionally writing something new, and I've finally returned to that one trippy Three/Jo fic, speaking of id-driven. I actually still like most of what I wrote for it back when, and I think I've come to a sort of mental peace with the fact that I am writing this fic because I want to write it, because I think it's interesting and says something about the characters and their mental state, and even though I do not anticipate that it will have a very wide audience outside of that due to a combination of factors I am okay with this. There are plenty of fics I write for others - requests, ficathons, kinkmemes, prompts, stuff I write because I see people complaining that there isn't enough of it - I can write this for me.
I've also started contemplating plot outlines for that Blurr fic (and I am going to get back to you, lovely brainstormers, I promise), added a few scenes in that Sari/Bumblebee ficlet, and have come up with a somewhat complicated theory regarding where Blackarachnia actually is at the end of "Predacons Rising" and how it ties into Sari's origins, because clearly what I need is another huge and imposing fic project that mostly involves me transcribing my own meta and making it sound like prose. Obviously.
(I'll write down and share that theory/idea at some point but it is already getting late and I have had this window open since maybe yesterday. Yeah.)
7. I had yet another dream last night taking place in a mall. Seriously, now that I notice all my dreams taking place in malls it's starting to get weird.
Anyway, in this one there was one particular corner of the mall, on the back left side of the second floor, where all the sketchy stores were, and that's where I was walking for some reason. And there was a leather goods and fetish gear store run by Abby Sciuto, and for some reason they did in-house tattooing. So I decided (for no real reason except to be able to stay in the store after closing) to get a tiny tattoo of a silver heart on the back of my hand, right at the place where the thumb meets the palm. But then I had to keep hiding my hand from my mother, because in the dream I was certain that she'd freak out and disown me if she found out I got a tattoo, even a little one (when she's not normally that strict in real life, though she's expressed distaste for tattoos). And by the time she did see it it had spread until the heart took up the entire back of my hand.
8. Speaking of fic,
springkink is open for prompt claiming! There are all sorts of fandoms with prompts offered, and so much good fic comes out of Springkink every round, so do consider picking up a prompt or two! It's very low-pressure.
I'm not sure if I'll claim a prompt or not; I managed to write a Springkink fic last round and that seemed to go over pretty well, so I suppose there's no reason not to, but at the same time I'm just not feeling the urge to grab prompts and run off with them this time. I'll have to give it some thought. It does make me feel all warm on the inside when people claim prompts I submitted, though. Not sure why.
This entry is incredibly long and I should go to bed. Good night, flist.