One day that pony's coming, I swear it is.

Apr 19, 2010 23:26


So, apparently, this next season of Sarah Jane Adventures will include a two-parter featuring Eleven and JO GRANT.


I mean. I just. When they said that a Classic companion would be on SJA this coming season, the first person I actually thought of was Jo, but in a "oh, ha ha, that'd be awesome but it'll never happen" kind of way. AND THEN IT DID, BECAUSE OBVIOUSLY THE BBC IS VERY INTERESTED IN CATERING TO MY EVERY WHIM.


That said, I'm...actually kind of nervous about this, once I sit down and think about it for a moment. Because I am so very protective of Jo and I don't want her awesomeness to be spoiled. I'm scared that, when she shows up again, she'll be pining. Or longing for the Doctor or going on about how nobody was ever as good as him, or how nothing in her life ever matched up to him, because RTD's very big on the "Doctor >>>>>> everything else in the universe" sentiment and one of the reasons I adore Jo so much is that that's so not what she's about. She moved on, she's independent enough to do her own thing, and darnit she has to have a great life after she left the show. I don't even like reading fanfic that suggests otherwise, that's how damn overinvested I am.

And as squeeful I am at the idea of My Ship getting that much more screentime, I am at once nervous that their relationship on SJA will be All Wrong (like including the aforementioned pining) or that it'll be mean-spiritedly Jossed even though there's no real reason to think that will happen.

That said, ELEVEN. AND JO. AND SARAH. ALL TOGETHER. And if fandom does not make with the Eleven/Jo and Sarah/Jo and Sarah-and-Jo-have-adventures-with-the-kids fic right quick I will just lose faith in it completely. :D


Oh, and J, R, and I went to Comic Book Shop again today, and we came home with what is possibly the awesomest comic I've ever seen: Time Lincoln.

In which time-traveling Abraham Lincoln fights Evil Time-Traveling Psychic Super-Stalin. With the help of Albert Einstein, Benjamin Franklin, George Washington Carver, and Issac Newton.

Yes, really.

Yes, it's mostly for the "lol, historical figures as superheroes" fun-times, coming across rather like a comic-book Ultimate Showdown Of Ultimate Destiny, but it's pretty well-drawn for what it is. Also, time-traveling Abraham Lincoln. I do not believe this can be emphasized enough.

Why did I not start reading comics earlier? They are full of such crack and I'm not even into the actual long-running series yet.


Also, given that I am finally managing to catch up a bit on schoolwork, someone please take me aside and remind me that it would, in fact, not be a good idea for me to write Optimus/Sentinel/Elita humanized College!AU. I just think they'd make adorable college buddies, is all, what with Sentinel and Elita dragging Optimus away from studying to go take road trips with them or accompany them to parties. And for some reason I really like the idea of them watching football together.

It would be a similarly bad idea to write threesome fic for them with Elita being bossy to her boys but I don't admit to even starting that, you can't prove anything. *shifty eyes*

I have new fic ideas almost every day and I have neither time, patience, nor capability to write even a fraction of them. So frustrating.


Furthermore, I am also tasking you with preventing me from getting a Twitter. Despite my long resistance I'm beginning to contemplate it, and that frightens me.

transformers, sarah jane adventures, randomness, doctor who, comics, fanfics

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