THIS IS ALMOST EXCITING AS THE BRIG LAST YEAR. Not quite, because necromancy/de-aging technology have not been employed to make Pertwee and T. Baker actually appear on the show, but one can't have everything.
Anyway, "he is returning" isn't too alarming - I'm 99% certain it's referring to the Trickster, who's also been in spoiler pictures. (At Sarah's wedding, no less! Eeep.) But Old Skool flashbacks = almost always a good thing, and since SJA is a show For The Kiddies it might just encourage people to start seeking out Seventies telly, which amuses me.
While I am nervous about how the show's going to handle their relationship in light of School Reunion's uncomfortable retcon that Sarah was in love with him, somehow I don't think the intended audience for SJA will be all that interested in an unrequited love storyline, so hopefully that'll be quietly swept under the rug. Or at least treated as a part of Sarah's life that she's happy with and successfully moved on from, which I'm also hopeful for given her "I love my life" intro monologue in the last two episodes.
Though I have to admit that the guilty part of my brain that is a dirty dirty Doctor/Sarah shipper would not be entirely unhappy with Ten smooching her one when he does show up. He's kissed everybody else!
Mostly I am delighted that SJA is looking back at the character's origins, and wondering which clips they will use (except for the Planet of the Spiders and Hand of Fear ones, because three guesses which clips from those will show up and the first two don't count), and how it'll factor into the episode, and whether this means the story will be told non-linearly, and who that awesome-looking alien is in the teaser photo. And I am so glad I decided to get off my arse and watch this show consistently eeeee.
You know the only episodes I've seen with Rani were the two-parter at the end of last year? I know, I know, that was Bad And Wrong of me and this show is amazing and I *should* have been watching it, but you know how it is about things you mean to do.
Things What I Liked:
- "My young Padawan". Oh, Clyde Langer, why must the fourth wall come between us. ;__; Also I am already shipping Luke/Clyde, because they are just that obvious and Clyde tries so very hard to teach Luke to be a teenager. I luffs it. And Clyde is really just an awesome fellow in general. "I get by on good looks and one liners!"
- GITA GITA GITA ILU. She is so very bubbly and enthusiastic and she is very knowledgeable about the insides and outsides of floral marketing. I love Haresh almost as much because he's essentially her straight man (and that's a very odd term to use in fandom, let me tell you) and he just cannot get excited about flowers the way she can and he stands up to the freaking Judoon and I never get over the fact that Rani has two parents and neither of them are dead. Not hating on single parents or divorcees or anything, but when was the last time someone didn't have a dead parent? Or at least divorced parents, and while I'm not hating on divorcees either it is nice to see a marriage that actually works when American TV portrays marriage as the death of romance and doomed to fail.
- I adore Rani a bit as well. Oh, heck, I love everyone on this show lots and lots, but I've devoted a paragraphs to her parents so I'd feel bad not loving on her too. She's ever so smart and savvy and knows how to out-rules-lawyer the Judoon and she bounces off Clyde so very well. And Luke! By all accounts Luke is the sort of character who should be really annoying, but he isn't. Possibly it's because he's adorably clueless around Clyde, possibly because he uses his Genius Skills for good and not evil, but he did just talk a computer out of exploding, so he wins in my book. And his wee sad face when he thinks Clyde and Rani might be dead! Awww. Even if I was yelling at him when he hugged Sarah. No! You fool! It's a trap!
- Will I be shunned from fandom if I found possessed!Sarah a bit sexy? Even when she was hamming it up a bit? Particularly when she was coming on to - er, talking to Mr. Smith? I'm sorry I have this thing for possession okay. Particularly when it makes a character all flirty and dangerous. Anyway, I actually thought Lis Sladen played that bit well because it wasn't purposefully sexy all the time. She gurned a bit and walked funny and let them put in the low, low voice. It was a nice touch.
- I love the Judoon. I think they're some of my favorite aliens the New Series has introduced, if only because they areso very particular about rules. The bit where he informs the guy driving next to them that his noise levels are exceeding limitations just about killed me, even more so because he refused to drive over the speed limit. Excellent.
- I really think I loved everything about this episode so I'm going to quit with the bullet points now. MORE SJA PLS I say. And right quick. I could solve this by going back and watching the S2 episodes I missed, but I do like to keep up the pretense that I spend some time outdoors on occasion.
2. Simon Pegg, Nick Frost, and Edgar Wright have
apparently discovered slash fic. And they love it so much they're writing their own on Twitter.
Normally I am mortified at the thought of anyone involved in a production knowing about fandom, let alone fanfiction, let alone explicit fanfiction, but I cannot stop laughing. "Please don't mistake my faint arousal for discomfort." (I may have to pinch that line, sorry Mr. Wright.)
3. This is slightly less squeeful, but I just got the idea to run a multifandom ficathon with individual TV Tropes titles as the prompts. And no easy tropes like "Slap Slap Kiss" or anything that might pass for a title anyway. I'm talking fics titles like Moar Dakka or Giant Space Flea From Nowhere or Law of Conservation of Ninjutsu. I think it'd be hilarious even though the authors would be too buried in TV Tropes to ever do any writing. And the idea of running a ficathon when I can't even seem to finish writing for one is just absurd, clearly.
...anyone else want to do it?
The weather finally warmed up a bit and I had pizza and ice cream for lunch and the clerk at the pizza place gave us free cinnamon rolls, so I not only had dessert first, completely upsetting the natural order, I had dessert twice. It has been a very good day.