May 07, 2005 12:48
well frinkin A i am tired as hell man. last night was the green day and my chemical romance concert. it was by far the fucking sweetest show i have ever seen. but wtf when i saw mcr at TOC the shirts were only $15 and last night they were $25 and the REVENGE hoodie i bought at TOC was only $35 and last night it was $50 wtf is up with that. so anyways we got there and went to our shitty ass seats behind the stage and there were fucking ppl getting high, so we left because we couldnt see, and like walked around the whole place but the dumbass security guards with the flash lights kept telling us to sit down. then we were standing at the side of the stage and i was like "zoning" out and mcr came out and matt didnt know what the looked like and he was like hey is that them and said it like 5 times before i realized what he was saying, haha it was funny and then i saw frank and i freaked out and i screamed and couldnt breathe and started shaking and it was all very dramatic. haha oooo well couldnt help it. i dont exactly remember what gerard said but he was like:
There are ppl at shows that make u show them ur tits to get backstage and he was like and all they want to do is drink, smoke, and talk about star wars. then he was like ladies if a man comes up to you and asks u to show him ur tits to get backstage You spit in their fucking faces! hah it was great then he said some more shit. sooooo then we went and sat with matt's friend since there really wasnt any other place to go and he had pretty good seats so we stayed there and b4 green day came out they had the YMCA playing and there was a guy dressed in a pink rabbit costume come out and he acted like he was drunk and was doing the ymca then.....they started playingthe star wars theme song and they came out and played american idiot, and they had fire and explosions and all this shit. then they had this huge ass disco ball come down and it was spinning and there were lights everywhere... and then he made us all do the "wave" and thennnn this one kid was crowd surfing and he got onstage and billie joe gave him a squirt gun and they were squirting ppl. THEN they were like we need to get a band and got three ppl out of the audience to come up and play bass, guitar and drums. it was so cool and the kid that played guitar was really good and billie let him keep the guitar. and then told the kid that was playing the bass to stage dive. hmmm what else??? well let me tell yea they sang the you make me wanna shout song which was really cool and they were all dressed up and they had a trumpet player, a trombone player, and a saxophone guy it was so cool and billie joe said everyones names then he was like im george w bush and everyone booed him so then he was like fine then just call me asshole. it was cool. then they were done and walked off and everyone yelled green day and they came out and played 4 more songs and played boulevard of broken dreams, and they played we are the champions by queen and then its started like freakin snowing confetti everywhere it was so nuts then everyone left and it was just billie joe and he was at the end of the little catwalk thing and he played good riddance (time of your life) it was great. soooo yea it was awesome and u all suck for not going. woohoo!