
Sep 03, 2011 00:00

Character: Carmela Rodriguez
Series: Young Wizards
Character Age: approx. 16

Canon: Kit Rodriguez and Nita Callahan were normal teenagers until they both discovered books known as wizards manuals and took a magical Oath to protect all life. Along with several other young wizards, they periodically save themselves, the world, and even the entire universe. Kit's older sister Carmela, however, is not a wizard. But who needs wizardry when you can shoot things with your beauty products and travel the universe from your closet?

Using her family's wizardry-enhanced TV, Carmela teaches herself the Speech (the language all things, living or otherwise, communicate with) and starts joining chat rooms with aliens from all across the galaxy where they discuss such interesting topics as grenfelzing (which she claims is just like emmfozzing, but with chocolate. Whatever that means.) Outgoing, brash, and hell bent on sticking her nose into all of her brother's wizarding business, Carmela is generally way too curious for her own good. She's got the carefree attitude to not be phased by alien exchange students or day trips to Mars, but she still has a knack for finding trouble. Luckily, she's just as good at getting herself out of it. Even if her method of getting out of trouble sometimes involves illegal chocolate bar sales and blowing things up.

Sample App:

Inter-dimensional summer camp, huh? Not exactly what I had in mind, but hey, surprise vacations should be surprising! Though I've gotta say, this place doesn't really look very inter-dimensional, more... boring Midwestern. But hey, at least you're friendly enough! No one's trying to blow me up, for starters, and passing out welcome baskets from on top of a grain silo is definitely different!

So let's see what I've got here... Complimentary laptop? Not bad. A little outdated, maybe, but it's better than the rest of the stuff in here. Like this ugly official "CFUD" tracksuit? No thanks. I appreciate the really, uh, creative color choices on it, but I think I'll pass. And a shotgun? Kinda unsettling. "A Beginner's Guide to Raising Corn While Surrounded by the Shambling Undead"? How-to books aren't really my usual taste in entertainment, but-

Okaaaay, so that explains the book. Zombies, huh? I've seen better, but hey, I'm not judging. Not much, anyway. The smell must really get bad on hot days, though. Especially if you're stuck in one place like that, and can't do anything but wave your tentacles around to try and get rid of the smell. Hey, your tentacles reminded me. You don't happen to get online much, do you? I swear I've talked to someone named Marcy with tentacles just like yours who really enjoys grenfelzing. That wouldn't happen to be you would it?

Whoa! Okay! That is not what grenfelzing means! Though I can see how the addition of chocolate might... Nevermind, just take the chocolate bars and I'll get going. Going over here, far out of reach of your tentacles. It's not that I don't understand how lonely you must be up there, I'm just not that kind of girl. I think I'll try my luck with the zombies. At least if their hands are falling off, they can't be quite as handsy as some people around here.

voting went here! 97.8%!


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