Am having a fandom rebirth, but it may be too much for me. First I get back into Harry/Draco fiction, then I'm reading this and that, and then!
Total X-files and Once a Thief review, watching and loving and remembering why Krycek will always be an obsession of mine.
Then I had to watch White Collar, and go see Inception. Of course I saw the potential for Cobb/Arthur, Arthur/Eames, Eames/Fisher, Cobb/Saito, Saito/Fisher, Ariadne/Cobb, and best of all the total potential for brilliantly canonical re-workings. I so hope for excellent science fiction fan takes on this movie, I can't wait. I even have a novel idea of my own, which is exciting. And White Collar!
What will stick?
I think that if there were a larger Once a Thief fandom, I could stay there for a long time. I love that show, even the cheesiest bits. I read everything written in it again, and I really wish there were more. I kind of want to start writing in it, but nobody else would read it. I wish there were a body of work in it the size of Supernatural fandom, with femmeslash and various pairings and ridiculous numbers of Mac/Vic stories, ranging from canonical to total au. Wow could I dig my teeth into a serious take on Director/Li Ann, romantic and sexy and with lots of action. John Woo makes me so happy. I also want a huge body of Nathan fiction, and Jackie/Dobrinsky, and Scully/Mansfield (I would pay good money for good Scully/Victor, I kid you not.) But since there isn't, I may just write that long story and post it to silence, and see if I can survive another Krycek addiction.
White Collar is awesome and slashy. But I don't know if it will hold my focus like a proper obsession. I think it would have, if Peter weren't married and they let the slash be text. El is very likeable, though, and it would make me sad to see her go, so I'm going to enjoy the fandom and its threesome focus, and most likely wander off into another twosome, because that's how stungunbillys are shaped. It makes me really happy for my m/m/f threesome-inclined friends. You guys must be over the moon, it's practically canon. Shaenie's
"Contractual Obligations" is exactly the kind of El/Peter/Neal that could change my mind, with the mutual adoration without cheese and the incredible hotness.
It'll be fun to find out, because fandom is a beautiful place to come home to. I'll know where I've landed when I make icons. I still love Jack/Ianto kissing most in all the world.