Letters from Travis

Oct 05, 2005 14:12

About 2 or 3 months ago I set up a mailing list at my domain stunder.com for a buddy of mine that I used to be stationed with back in the Marines. We have a bunch of friends that I like to keep in touch with and the majority of internet users don't know how to set up and maintain a personal mailing list in their mail client and then you run the risk of missing someone when another person replies to a message. When I found out Travis was heading to Iraq I set up a mailing list for him. We catch letters from him every once and a while he never goes into too much detail or anything and he never describes were they are located. Most of the time he just fills us in on oh they took mortar fire that week or they got into it with a couple of insurgents. I am not sure if its the US military thats keeping the news out of that place or if its the news just not reporting on it anymore but things are pretty crazy over there. This is just an excerpt from his letter.

"Just writing to update you and check up on all you fools.

Yesterday was crazy. Things got rough for a bit. But I made out as good as I
could under the circumstances. Some people got hurt. But luckily none from
my unit. I do know that, for the work we're doing here that will not be the
case everytime we go out. These jokers aint playin."

He goes on to talk about some of the young guys who are really boys that are going to be coming back from that place men. I am not talking like when the rest of us got out of boot camp and thought we were men. Now that I think back on it we were still boys after boot camp and really didn't grow up till later on some of us sooner than others. I admit that the only dead bodies I saw while in were because of other people screwing up like a cabie in Thailand running over a guy and things like that. These guys are seeing death day after day even when they aren't seeing it they are hearing stories from other guys and other units that happened that day. The bad thing is as bad as this war maybe and as liberal as I claim to be I still for some reason don't see anything wrong with what we are doing. Oh well Tav you take care over there man and keep your head down. I will see you when you get home bro.
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