Maybe not even lately..
For the past few months life has just been one unfortunate event after another.
For the entire month of July I wasn't home for more than three days at a time. I was running back and forth to PA.
First it was getting Mike's car fixed and dealing with his family issues, then it was Anthrocon, then it was back to PA for more family issues.
We had to put Sash to sleep. We don't know what happened, but one evening he made his way into the dining room and just fell over. He couldn't lift his head, or move any other part of his body. He just looked up at us the best he could and meowed. I thought he had fallen down the stairs again, and hurt himself this time, but it was much worse.
In the morning, mom went to feed him. He was able to lift and move his head now, but not very well. He lifted his head to eat, and then just drooped his face into his food, unable to hold his head up for long periods of time. Mom had to hold his head to allow him to eat.
I couldn't make it to the vet that afternoon due to all the trouble we've been having, so mom and dad took him. Mom said that when the vet picked him up, and held him near the edge of the table, a normal reaction would be for the cat to reach forward with their paws to catch themselves. Sash just leaned his head in to the table. The vet said that was a sign of brain damage, and that he either had cancer that finally affected his brain, or he had a stroke. He was 15, and there wasn't anything they said they could do for him but put him through a trial of tests. So we put him to sleep.
We ended up with another cat just last week. He came from another home incapable of taking care of animals. His name is Caeser, but he's really sick. He's between 5 and 8 years old and has something called a nasopharyngeal polyp. He's only 6lbs, when with his build he should be a 15lb cat by my estimates. He rarely eats, and he sleeps all day. The surgery to remove the polyp is between $1500 and $2000. But, he has reduced kidney function, and a really bad heart mummer. We don't know if he'll be able to undergo surgery yet. If he can't, then we may look into euthanasia.
I'll post more later...just a quick update of sorts.