(no subject)

Jul 04, 2005 18:48

i get this teeshirt

because i offered to help promote-- carry cards on me while i wear them and give them out if people are interested.
i already get asked about where i got this teeshirt

and these leave-behind cards

i answer:
"why that is simple, sir. i get them from:

that's right. coldcockedcards.com. and they are currently running a special release button collection designed by the dude that made all the controversial jesus shirts sold by urban outfitters. the buttons look like this:

they have lots of cool stuff, so you should check them out. if the event with normal bob smith (jesus dude) goes well, i should be in miami doing the shoot in the next couple of months. if it doesn't then they're going to be re-evaluating continuing production of the merchandise. they've already had somebody rip off one of their designs. so tell your friends. and your friends friends. i like this mens teeshirt by them:

home of sweet threads.
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