I'm special, SPECIAL, so special, SPECIAL, i gotta have some of your attention...Give it to ME!!

Nov 18, 2005 02:53

Went to Abilenes on south st. today and saw glamicidal...and guess what...they totally fuckin dedicated a song to me yes ME KIM!! I was like hellz yeah bitches and it just so happened to be my favorite song..i felt so special... Hung out with Dayne, Mel, and Dan today as fuckin always...But it was kinda funny because i found out that not only am I fuckin annoyed by the whole not being able to chill wit dayne without mel or dan taggin along but dayne is annoyed as well which kinda made me feel special. so we scheduled an official Dayne and Kim day tomorrow so we can hang out just me and him like the good ol' days...YEY. and apparently im a very popular person because i have gotten 2 more requests for (insert persons name) and Kim Days...wierd. Anyway i love feeling loved its awsome...And phil is UBER special because he gets a Phil and Kim WEEK starting saturday!!! Hellz yeahh... anyhoe im tired as balls and i need to get to sleep cause Daynes gettin here mighty early tomorrow...really dunno what were gonna do but watever it is, it is bound to be intersting.
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