(no subject)

Mar 07, 2009 22:03

The Korean roommate's always been kinda stupid. He'll spill stuff and leave it (two day old dried jam on the counter? *not* an easy clean). He'll leave the door wide open on -30 degree days. He'll burn stuff almost every time he cooks (keep this in mind, it's important!).

But in the past week or so he's just gone for the all out moron-of-the-year award. He has:

1. Burnt a pot worse than I've ever seen. Like, this isn't burnt on food at the bottom of the pot, it's the bottom of the pot scorched black. There are scorch marks on the oustide too. It looks as though that pot has been *in* a fire.

2. Turned the heat up to 28 degree celsius. He did this, on the hottest day in 5 months (it was 17 degrees celsius outside). He hasn't touched it all Winter, but decided the hottest day in forever deserved extremely high heat in here. The high heat and furnace running for hours screwed up the circulation fan which the landlord is now trying to fix.

3. He came upstairs while me and Cait were playing a game in my room. I remarked to myself "Woah, I just heard Korean empty the dishwasher!" Later that night I went out to the kitchen and remembered that fact and checked the dishwasher. He had emptied *just enough* clean things so that he had room to put his dirty stuff in. And this wasn't a mistake where he thought everything was dirty -- he actually took stuff out of the dishwasher and put them back in their proper place.

4. Tonight me and Cait were playing wow again and we heard a loud beeping. Sounded like a smoke alarm but I went down to the kitchen and the sound got quieter. I stuck my head downstairs and it got louder so I assumed Korean was screwing around with a new laptop alarm or something and couldn't shut it off. We tried to ignore for a minute or so when I thought "Uh oh! Maybe him fucking with the heat so much has set off the Carbon Monoxide detector!" I ran downstairs and checked but nope. So I investigated and found out that in his bathroom, near the outside window, it was the loudest: it was coming from outside. I go upstairs to the backdoor and look up at where the kitchen detector should've been to see that it had been ripped out of the ceiling at some point, which would explain why I haven't heard it go off lately when he's burned something. I open the backdoor, and there on the ground is the new smoke detector that landlord installed last month, soaking wet in the rain and going off because it had shorted out.

Yeah, this guy should have died in some sort of stupid accident long ago. Like, that level of stupidity has no place in the world and should not be encouraged to do anything other then go live in a cave alone forever for fear of passing on genes or poor teachings...
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