Feb 13, 2007 20:01
Well I had the results of all my recent kidney tests today and there are plus and minus points.
Plus points: i still have two kidneys, i dont have kidney stones.
Minus points: only one of my kidneys is fully functional, i have to go back to hospital for more tests and to see a uroligist(spelt wrong i know).
basically my left kidney is working fine (it fills with urine then empties when i go to the loo), my right one however does not epty when i go to the loo and as a result i'm getting an infection of some kind.
i'm not sure what can be done about it (if anything) or if my right kidney will get any worse as time goes by, best case scenario (my right kidney can be fixed), worst case scenario (they take out my right kidney alltogether.
you can live with just one kidney so its no big shakes if thats going to happen, although obviously i dont really want that, i'm going to see what the specialist says first then i'll take it from there.