Dec 19, 2006 08:26
Is it ethical or even legal to force an individual to take medications to improve the person's mental and emotional state of being?
I approach this question from two perspectives; one being that of personal behavior, experience, and need; the second the responsibility society has to its members.
I suffer from anger management and excessive depression. Yes, its a fact, and I finally can admit to it, despite my personal feelings of shame steming from an inability and lack of control in my personal being. The admission of the excessive anger comes directly from accidentally having an unexpected side effect from medication taken to aid me in ceasing to smoke those foul cigarettes.
When I had left group therapy, I had taken the prescribed dosage of welbutrin and got on the freeway. As wont the case, I was cut off and forced out of the lane I was traveling in. In past experience, I would have continued my next course of action which would have been to raise the speed of the car to overtake the offender and administer to that person a lesson they would not forget, usually violently.
Instead, I pulled over to the roadside and started simply laughing at myself and those feelings of rage I had in me.
Yes, I still had the rage, but I was able to identify the emotion and quell it with rage's natural enemy, laughter. When I was finally able to subside the humorous aspects of the situation, I returned to driving myself back home.
After the class had ended, I made it my personal mission to maintain my personal supply of zyban and use it now for anger management, which I have an abundance of. Anger that is, not manangement.
The reason for expousing the epidsode is to bring one facet of the experience to the forefront, I had no knowledge or comprehension of the stupidity and possible dangers of my rage. It simply did not matter if when I caught up to the person that they may have a weapon and by my confrontation caused them to feel compelled to defend themselves, nor was there any fear in myself at my ability to handle that threat should it have occurred. It was only through the intervention of the medication, that I identify this rage and constantly battle it.
Indeed, should I stop taking the medication, I do suffer the bouts of rage overtaking and consuming me. I quite empathetically believe that if I cease usage of the medications for the rages, I will easily and without remorse hurt or even kill someone. That is my shame.
I would do it without a twinge of guilt or second thought. Just like drinking coffee, simply an extension of my day. This leads to the other side of the equation, am I accountable for my actions, should I cease taking the medications?
No. I state it as a simple one word answer, I am not accountable for what I do without the intervention of this medication for the simple reason I cannot control the beast inside of me without the medication. The without remorse aspect previously stated is an admission that I do not find any wrong with the taking of another's persons life when I have the anger epidsodes, without control. I literally require the medication to realize the futility and stupid nature of the rages that overwhelm me. My feelings after the rage dispel also do not include remorse. One moments retrospection, where I simply review my actions and then continue on exasperate this, in that my reviewing of the event(s) and the actions preceding and following simply cover my methodology in handling and removing the threat.
No remorse.
No tears would I shed for my victim, indeed there would be more anger, that the individual FORCED me into such a recourse by their actions, whether they be physical or verbal.
The followup statement is therefore a simple logical one for me to make: If society desires to hold me accountable for the rage and hatred of all things within me, they MUST continually take action that will make me conscious of the perceived wrongness of the actions I will take in the event that I am distressed over something.
What point was this long entry? The objective of this diatribe was to address the issue of society forcibly medicating persons who do not meet social norms for one reason or another but upon treatment conform to social structures and rules.I still have the right to refuse the medications, however should I refuse them there are consequences.
I previously commented on the absolute lack of chagin and remorse I would suffer if an individual were to be hurt by me during one of the rages. It is my belief also that I can not be legally held culperable for those actions as there is not an understanding of right and wrong during those epidsodes. Consequently the only alternative that society has to protect other members would be to place me in a controlled environment until I began taking the medications that would enable me to conform to social norms and not place others at a risk.