Hello hello there journal buddies! I am here and feeling good. :)
When I was little, about 3 or 4 mum tells me, I got the powder bottle out of the bathroom and puffed it all over the house. When mum asked me why I did it, I said 'Becuase I wanted to'!
Well, well, well.
Tonight, I could heat Tahlia patting something. I thought she was playing with some balls as she was earlier. Then I could smell powder. I thought, it must still be the smell on my hands after I used it this morning and thought no more of it. I turn to look how Tahlia is playing as I can still hear her patting something. She is laughing too. All I can see is a smokey haze in the sunshine. I thought what the? Then I rushed over as I put 2 and 2 together. She screamed when I took the powder container off her. I attempted to clean up... the powder is so thick on the carpet, I can leave footprints in it! I had to laugh though. I called my mum straight away, she got a good laugh out of it. Like mother like daughter. So lovely. The house just smells of powder now. It's really strong but it could be worse. I really do have a cheeky monkey!
Tomorrow, my sister is coming to visit. I am getting my haircut at 12. I am so excited! I am going to get a shorter do done. I need a change. My sis has offered to babysit then aswell as at 7:15 tomorrow when we go to the OB. What a gem! Then, on Thursday, our carpet is getting a much needed dry clean. All action at our place. :) I am hoping that tomorrow we find out what time the operation will be aswell as whether I can wear my glasses during the surgery.
I am so tired. I know it's not my iron though, that's going really well for once! It must just be end of pregnancy exhaustion. Sean and I cleaned the fridge this morning, it's so much better now! I haven't done it yet, but I am going to put some vanilla extract in there in a bowl to make it smell nice. :) We made a good team. :)
I have some heartburn now. I haven't had it nearly as bad as I had it with Tahlia. I wonder if he'll have as much hair as what she had? Hee hee. We'll soon find out. I still can't believe that in just 8 days, my son will be here. That will make it one week tomorrow. Unbelieveable. We *definitely* have his coming home outfit now. I have said that 4 times before but this time I really have it. ;) It's a cute green pants and jacket set with pilot teddy on it. Very, very cute. :) Tahlia is getting excited too. When I have my top up, watching baby's movements, she comes over and says 'Baby in mummy!' Very cute. :) She doesn't quite get to be gentle yet. Her little fingers give quite a hard poke!
Well, I must sign off, I am making pasta for dinner. I hope to make enough to freeze. :)
Bye for now. :)
Before I go, here are the links to 2 pregnancy shots at 37 weeks. :) Enjoy. :)
http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y26/stumbles_1409/37weekspregnant2.jpg http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y26/stumbles_1409/37weekspregnanthandsonbelly.jpg