
Jun 28, 2011 00:00


Name: Raserei Hojo
Are you over 16?: Yup.
Personal LJ: raserei_hojo
Email: lucaviitzaru [at] gmail [dot] com
Timezone: EST
Other contact: AIM: WintryHorse
Characters already in the game: halcyonism & wantstolive.
How did you find us?: Already in the game! But before that, dear_mun!


Character name: Genis Sage
Fandom: Tales of Symphonia
Timeline: Just after Lloyd destroys Mithos' Cruxis Crystal
Age: 12
~*Magical*~ abilities and strengths: Genis is a genius magic-user. He has a ton of elemental spells in his arsenal and most of them can deal a huge amount of damage. He prefers to hang back in battle while casting spells and his weapon is a kendama. It may look childish, but it's definitely not a toy! Well, okay, if you really wanted to use it like a toy, you could.
How would they use their abilities?: For justice! Or at the very least, not for evil things.
Appearance: Visual Aid

Genis is pretty short, not even reaching the 5'0" mark yet and incredibly light. He has a pale, round face with large blue eyes. His hair is short and silvery with long bangs and two longer sections of hair in the back.

His outfit is pretty funky. It consists of light blue shorts and jacket with white swirls on them and a dark blue undershirt. The sleeves of his jacket are slit, revealing the undershirt. He has dark blue boots; the tongue, light blue in color, flares up. The sleeves, bottom of the shorts and top of his boots have white embroidery along them. Underneath his jacket are two leather belt straps. Perhaps most importantly, he has an Exsphere embedded onto his right hand. It's a small blue device which magnifies powers past their regular potential.

Background/Personality: Genis, along with his older sister Raine, was born in Heimdall to a human named Kloitz and an elf named Virginia. Unfortunately, the family was unable to remain in Heimdall for very long; around the time of Genis' birth, an incident occurred which resulted in half-elves being banned from the village. Virginia, Kloitz, Raine and Genis were also banned from the village and so the family began to move from place to place. However, nowhere was safe. Sybak, a city of academics, wanted Raine for her intelligence. If she were to be captured, she and possibly even Genis would spend their lives working in a dark lab, unable to leave for the rest of their lives.

Unwilling to give up either of her children to research yet unable to stand up to the prejudice against half-elves, Virginia left her children at a place called The Otherworldy Gate in hopes of sending them to the legendary land of Sylvarant where her children would be free of discrimination.

It worked.

Despite Virginia's hopes, Sylvarant was not free of discrimination. While the discrimination against half-elves was slightly less than in Tethe'alla, discrimination existed nonetheless. Raine, now acting as Genis' sister and mother, traveled around Sylvarant, looking for a safe place to settle down. Eventually, the two reached Iselia. Because she was old enough to remember the discrimination against half-elves, Raine lied to the villagers of Iselia and claimed she and Genis were pure-blooded elves.

Raine and Genis stayed there for a number of years, continuing their masquerade. As comfortable as life was becoming for them, Raine made sure Genis understood that at any time, they may have to leave Iselia. Therefore, it was important that Genis keep track of the locations of the stars, just in case they're chased out of Iselia like they were Heimdall.

When Genis became a little older, he began to attend the small school in Iselia where Raine was acted as a teacher. It was there he met Lloyd Irving, who quickly became his best friend. He also met Colette Brunel, whom he befriended soon after Lloyd befriended her. While at school, he studied constantly and always paid attention, unlike most of his classmates. He also excelled at cooking and house work since Raine was terrible at both of those things.

One day, Colette is given a task to begin The Journey of World Regeneration, something that was decided at her birth when she was marked as the Chosen. By completing this journey, the mana flow, the source of life, would be replenished. Lloyd agrees to help and Genis agrees to go as well. Around this time, Lloyd and Genis meet the ~mysterious~ Kratos, who wants to "protect" the Chosen Colette.

During the weeks, or possibly months before this happens, though, Genis had been visiting a forbidden human ranch just outside of Iselia. Genis asks Lloyd to walk him part of the way on the day Colette is told to begin her journey, but Lloyd decides it isn't safe for Genis to go alone and accompanies him the entire way. As it turns out, Genis was visiting the ranch to bring food to a human there by the name of Marble. Today of all days, however, is the day the owners of the ranch, the Desians, notice Genis and Lloyd.

It gets worse, though!

The point of human ranches is to farm Expheres, which are meant to enhance a person past their normal potential. The human workers are forced to wear unstable Exspheres. When Marble's is removed, the unstableness of the Exsphere causes her to turn into a monster. Genis trips during the escape from the ranch and Lloyd defends him from Marble!Monster. It isn't until after the fight that either of them realize the monster is Marble. Her life is taken from her and all that's left is her Exsphere, which Genis picks up and decides to use for himself in memory of Marble. The two return back to Iselia.

Lloyd and Genis intend to go with Colette on her journey to regenerate the world since she's leaving the next day, but she leaves earlier than she said she would, leaving Lloyd and Genis behind. When Genis goes to tell Lloyd, who lives outside the village with his adoptive dwarven father, that Colette has already left, they enter Iselia only to find it on fire. The Desians of the Iselia human ranch torched the place because Lloyd and Genis trespassed. The village blame Lloyd entirely, but Genis insists that it was also his fault. When Lloyd is banned from Iselia, Genis bans himself as well.

So! Lloyd and Genis go after Colette!

There's a lot of finding Colette and losing her again, meeting Sheena the clumsy assassin who later befriends the party, Raine catching up to the group, etc. The group also learns that Genis is so smart that he could have went to the best schools in all of Iselia, but he chose not to. Guess he really grew fond of Lloyd! He's capable of scoring a perfect score on one of the tests the academy gives out, along with Raine.

But most importantly is Colette unlocking five seals which guard elementals, a process that is important to the journey of world regeneration. At first, no one notices the changes in Colette, not even the ever-studious Genis. Eventually, Lloyd tells the group that with each seal Colette breaks on her journey, that's one more aspect of humanity Colette loses. First the need to eat, then the need to sleep, followed by the ability to feel physical sensations, then her voice and finally, she must offer up her heart, soul and memories to become an angel and regenerate the world to replenish the mana flow and stop the world from dying.

Genis is reluctant to let Colette continue the journey and Lloyd is even more reluctant. Still, what choice do they have? After the fifth seal is broken, Colette becomes a suitable vessel for the Goddess Martel, which is the real reason for the journey of world regeneration. Sadly, the party found that out a bit too late. This is also the point where Kratos, the magical knight who had been helping the party, more or less betrays the group. Turns out he was working for the enemy! Oops. Everyone also learns that Exspheres are made of human lives and that makes using them very personal for everyone.

Anyway, the party travels to Tethe'alla upon Sheena's suggestion. Genis and Raine are pretty much wide-eyed at the amazing technology Tethe'ala has. There's not enough time to satiate their thirst for knowledge! The group meet Zelos, the Chosen of Tethe'alla and Genis takes an immediate dislike to him. On the other hand, the party also meets Presea and... Genis is suddenly struck by the most intense crush in the history of crushes. He can't spit anything out around her. He blurts out he thinks she's pretty, but does get a little frustrated when Presea doesn't realize it's a compliment. Basically, Presea is on a pedestal and Genis wants to protect her and keep her safe! Not that Presea needs his help... which depresses Genis. And all it took was for Presea to walk by, dragging a stack of sacred wood behind her.

And lo and behold, soon after, the party finds itself in Sybak, the academic town, where Genis is exposed to hatred for half-elves for the fist time personally. He and his sister are arrested and taken away, resulting in Lloyd and the others going through hell to get them back. When they're finally reunited, Raine and Genis are unsure of what to do. Genis feels bad for lying to everyone about his half-elf status and he's surprised when Lloyd says it's fine if Genis and Raine keep travelling with them. They're friends, after all! Zelos points out that as someone who grew up with Tethe'alla's discrimination against half-elves, he isn't comfortable travelling with Genis and Raine, but he would because he had to.

More unimportant things happen. The party (Genis especially) works hard to return Presea to her "real" self, since her current self is like a heartless, soulless, memoryless angel form that Colette was in briefly. When the village of Ozette is burned down, which is the village Presea is from, the group finds a young boy named Mithos there. The group offers to take Mithos in, but Mithos kind of refuses out of fear and uncertainty until Raine points out she can tell he's a half-elf. After some encouragement, Mithos hesitantly goes with them.

And Genis is overjoyed. Mithos is the first half-elf friend he's ever had. Best of all, Mithos is around Genis' age! Yay! Genis and Mithos bond very quickly, to the point where it almost looks like Genis is replacing Lloyd with Mithos... until Mithos starts asking questions. Like which side Genis would choose if Mithos and Lloyd got into a fight. Genis says he'd side with Mithos because he wouldn't start a fight over something stupid like Lloyd would. Ouch.

At one point, the party visits Exire, which happens to be the current home of Virginia, Raine's and Genis' mother! When they find Virginia, she's a little off her rocker. She's cradling a doll in her arms an calling it "Raine" while claiming that she has another child on the way. Jean for a girl, Genis for a boy. Raine is far more upset about the situation than Genis. After all, Genis was a newborn and didn't have to take a sibling and parental role and to be honest, Genis doesn't even remember being born and briefly raised in Tethe'alla. When Raine runs out in tears, Genis approaches her soon after and tells her not to cry. They receive Virginia's diary from Exire's elder, who explain that Kloitz, Virginia's husband, was sick and passed away soon after he and Virginia arrived in Exire. The elder also tells the party that Virginia worried very much about Raine and Genis, but that the death of her husband made her lose her sanity.

Genis is relieved to know that he and his sister weren't abandoned like he thought; that it was great news to hear Virginia and Kloitz tried to save their lives... and succeeded! Later on, he tells Raine himself that not only does he think of Raine as his sister, but also as his mother.

Throughout the party's journey to save both Sylvarant and Tethe'alla from destruction, Mithos keeps hinting to Genis that humans are bad and that it would be best if Genis just stayed with Mithos or found some other safe haven. Genis is pretty conflicted since he likes Lloyd and the others, but over the course of his journey, his heart has become filled with hatred for the humans who persecute half-elves for their birth. He doesn't like the elves much more, though, since despite having permission to enter Heimdall, the village of elves, he and Raine weren't allowed to enter because they were half-elves, even though it was the village of their birth.

Genis, being the genius that he is, does manage to figure out something before the rest of the party: he figures out that the boy Mithos is also Mithos the Hero of legend, who is pretty much worshiped in both Sylvarant and Tethe'alla. Which in turn means that both Mithos the boy and Mithos the Hero are both actually Mithos Yggdrasill, the party's main enemy who is trying to revive his sister, the "Goddess" Martel and is willing to kill the both the planets of Sylvarant and Tethe'alla to do so.

Yet Genis can't bring himself to hate Mithos, even after Mithos admits his true identity himself. Even after Mithos severely harms several members of the party and friends of the group. Genis tells everyone he understands how Mithos feels and that he hopes to change Mithos' mind on how to handle the situation. When Mithos is defeated the first time (out of many...), Genis silently picks up Mithos' Cruxis Crystal, which is an upgraded form of an Exsphere and keeps it.

Which is bad, because in the end it helps revive Mithos. Oops. Dammit, Genis, stop feeling so much empathy for your enemy!

Before the final showdown, Genis asks Lloyd if it's okay to take Mithos' side just for a minute. Lloyd kind of has a flat "what" moment, but Genis once again explains that he knows how Mithos feels. In the end, Genis is unable to convince Mithos that what he's doing is wrong. The party kills him once again and Mithos finally gives up and asks the party to destroy his Cruxis Crystal, which will prevent him from being able to revive again. Genis insists that Lloyd perform the mercy killing while Mithos is still himself and not a lifeless being or filled with the hate of his adult form of Yggdrasill.

Lloyd obliges. Suddenly, space!!

Overall, Genis is pretty mature for only being twelve-years-old. That doesn't mean he's not a child, though. He runs around when he's excited, trying to take in everything at once, and often trips in his haste. Early in the game, he says things he isn't supposed to, like accidentally hinting that he's not a pureblooded elf. Raine stops this by slapping him around multiple times. Genis learns his lesson after about the fifth time.

He remains torn about humans til the very end, though. He doesn't want to hate them, but he finds it so hard to control that feeling. He knows nothing good will come of it, yet he can't stop hating them. Lloyd is the reason Genis considers giving all humans a second chance, though.

Speaking of Lloyd, he really does have a huge influence over Genis. Genis respects Lloyd a great deal and admires his strength and bravery, qualities Genis thinks he himself lacks. In return, however, Genis constantly mocks Lloyd's lack of intelligence, even going so far as to say that even Lloyd's brain is made of muscle.

Near the end of the game when Genis and Lloyd are caught in a trap, Genis finally is able to save Lloyd at the cost of his own escape from the trap. Genis admits that he's a coward and that his body starts shaking and he can't hide the fear in situations like that; that he wants to be brave like Lloyd always is, but he finds it so difficult. Genis doesn't want Lloyd to stick around because he doesn't want Lloyd's last memory of him to be so "pathetic." He was willing to risk death to make sure Lloyd safely rescued Colette (again). Luckily, he managed to escape the trap a bit later with some outside help.

He hates being called a child or being judged because of his age. He can do things himself (he thinks) and is just as important to the team as all the other adults. Yet when presented with the opportunity to do adult things, like going to the mountains with Mithos and facing dangerous monsters, he's not as strong as he thinks. He panics and his magic attack was too weak to kill one of the monsters. When Lloyd secretly killed the monster for Genis right after the failed attack, Genis was suspicious and soon after concluded that Lloyd was the one who helped him out. While a little frustrated he didn't kill the monster himself, he's grateful to Lloyd for helping him when he needed it.

Genis does have high ideals, but he can be too much of a coward to follow through on his own. He needs the support of someone like Lloyd to give him the courage from time to time. He's ridiculously smart (Genis the Genius? Sage? Yeah. The most appropriate name...!) because he takes an active role in his education. He loves Raine like a mother despite her constantly embarrassing him by fawning all over old ruins, and wants to help rid the world of discrimination.

Although he only has half of his elven blood, he will most likely live the thousand year long life of pureblooded elves. The fact that all of the friends he has now will die long before he does bothers him deeply, but he knows that as long as he is alive, everyone he cares for will live on in his heart and in his memories.

Have you read up on how the game works?: Yes! The Guide plug-in that allows characters to communicate with each other is called the FlamingFerret. Three ways you can make money on the ship are: Through missions, stealing it (naaaughty) or by starting a business.

1st person sample:

[ Video ]

Wow! This place is so cool! Not even Tethe'alla's magitechnology can beat the technology here. Are we really in a space ship? If we are, that means we must have passed the mesosphere and even the exosphere!

[ Beaming. Forever. ]

The stars are... really pretty. I've never been so close to them before. But it's hard to chart any of the stars when we're moving through outer space like this, especially at this speed. I don't even recognize any of the constellations.

I guess that means we're... really far away from both Sylvarant an Tethe'alla, huh? It looks like we're past even Derris-Kharlan.... But we're going back, right? I mean, we can't just stay up here forever. There are a lot of people who are suffering still!

3rd person sample:

A world without discrimination. Genis closed his eyes and tried to think of what it would be like to not be persecuted for his blood or his birth, things he had no control over. While he had been pretending to be a pureblooded elf with his sister, he didn't face the persecution other half-elves did. Sure, it made him angry that people were uselessly suffering, but he hadn't experienced it personally at the time. The villagers of Iselia liked him well enough and admired his genius while Lloyd admired his magic.

But that all changed in Sybak when the party was forced to give samples of blood. The moment everyone found out he and Raine were half-elves, everything changed. Lloyd still accepted him and his sister, but Lloyd was Lloyd. He was a human being raised by a dwarf! It was people like Zelos, whom Genis didn't even like but did his best to remain amicable with, who suddenly turned against him.

Hadn't he he and his sister helped the group out with their magic? What suddenly changed? He and Raine had been the same as they always were. They hadn't changed at all. But just because those stupid guards took those samples and everyone found out he and Raine were half-elves, suddenly he was this vile, disgusting creature! Just because it was normal to look down on half-elves, Zelos had no problem admitting he was uncomfortable travelling in a group with Genis and Raine, but that he'd do it anyway.

If it hadn't been for Lloyd, Zelos would have kept thinking that way.

But it wasn't just Zelos. The people of Heimdall where he was born felt the same way. The village of elves who thought they were so high up, looking down on Genis and Raine like they were something inferior. Despite the fact the group had permission from the king to enter Heimdall, he and his sister were forbidden from setting foot into the village. It was frustrating. Embarrassing. And all because of something he had no control over: his birth and half-elven blood.

Yet again, if it hadn't been for Lloyd, he and Raine would never have gotten to walk into the village of their birth.

To be honest, if it wasn't for Lloyd, Genis felt he really would hate all humans. It was because of Lloyd and the group he was travelling with that made him think giving humans a second chance was worth it. If Lloyd and Colette and Presea and everyone else could like him for being himself, then maybe others could, too.

He sincerely hoped that was the case. If it wasn't and humans and elves didn't at least try to except those caught in-between like half-elves, it would be so hard not to go down the road Mithos had taken.

Questions?: If a girl's weight is 45kg and she falls into a hole 10 meters deep, taking into consideration the gravity constant at 9.8, would the impact be fatal? 8|

For a serious question, though, would Genis be able to sign up for high school? He's only twelve, but he's allllmost thirteen and he's smart enough to complete assignments without any assistance.

Did you put your characters name and fandom in the subject: Yes! Yes I did. 8)

application, ooc

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