Jun 21, 2006 00:58
Amy pointed out earlier today that she hates doing dishes as much as i do, and said that it's probably because we were forced to do dishes when we were younger. i have to elaborate on that theory and point out that doing dishes was actually punishment. i remember one time saying some word that i heard on "cheers" (it was the word friggin' or something like that) and mom getting mad and saying that i couldn't watch "cheers" anymore. i promptly threw a hissy fit, then had to do the dishes as punishment.
i got mom back though, because i took forever to wash each dish and loaded it up with soap, then put it on the dishrack. amy had a glass of water later during "perfect strangers" and it tasted really strongly of dishsoap . mom got mad at me and said, "i'm never letting you do the dishes again!"
kevin is putting together a computer for me out of a bunch of old hard drives & stuff. we got 3 computers, a decent webcam, and some speakers at a garage sale for 10 bucks. there was this nice, friendly little old man that sold the stuff to us. kevin wanted to look at his hard drive, and we found gay porn stories on it. the ending of one of them was "raoul moaned in pain as blood leaked out of his bruised asshole." it was really creepy.
kevin is really gullible. i feed him stuff all the time, and now all i have to do is say "open" and he opens his mouth. i was eating a can of mandarin oranges, and fed him some. i found a gross one that had a bunch of orange rind on it and i didn't want to eat it, so i said "open" to kevin and put it in his mouth. he ate it, then i started laughing really hard because i had a bunch of mountain dew and was kind of hyper. kevin figured it out a minute later and gave me this disgusted/amused look & kinda laughed and went "jeez". it was pretty funny. i've also fed him an old piece of chocolate and a stale potato chip using this trick.
i did some writing today, worked on my story, and got 2 notebook pages full of good stuff - so that made my day - plus the fact that i tricked kevin into eating a disgusting mandarin orange slice.