Jul 23, 2003 22:21
so i got this live journal thing.
last night I had a lot of fun... i think
today i regestered for some classes at caldwell
i actually only got this lj so i can do the survey
how the fuck do I do the survey?
oh here it is
Nicknames: ?
Age: 17
Birthday: January 1 (not really)
School: WHS
Color of eyes: brown
Hair: brown
Height:6 somthin
Brothers/Sisters: 1 sister
When's your bedtime?: i usually go to bed between 12 and 4
------------------HAVE YOU EVER------------------
* been so drunk you blacked out: yeah
* missed school/work b/c it was raining: back at mountain view
* set a body part on fire for amusement: yes, but i'm not telling what
* been in an accident: a coupla car accidents
* been hurt emotionally: yes
* kept a secret from everyone: all the time
* had an imaginary friend: eh
* wanted to hook up with a friend: yes
* had a crush on a teacher: hmmmm...
* thought an animated character was hot: hell yeah
* had a New Kids on the Block tape: no
* cut your hair: plenty
* been sarcastic: sure
* Shampoo: prell
* Soap: yellow?
* Color: i don't have one
* Day/Night: they are both cool
* Summer/Winter: summer
* Lace or Satin: satin
* Cartoon Characters: dexter
* Ice Cream: hahahahaha!!! on sommer's quiz she put tofutti!!!!!!
* Subject: art
* Drink: milk
* Sport: i hate sports (except for curling)
* Person to talk to online: anyone
----------------RIGHT NOW------------------
* Wearing: fuckin clothes
* Hair is: fluffy
* I'm feeling: dizzy
* Drinking: nothing.
* Thinking about: a cigarette
* Listening to: nothing
* Watching: nothing
---------------IN THE LAST 24 HRS------------------
* Cried: no
* Worn a skirt: no.
* Met someone new: no
* Cleaned your room: no
* Drove a car: yes
---------------DO YOU BELIEVE IN------------------
* Yourself: no
* Friends: sure
* Santa Clause: no
* Boogie man: sometimes
* Destiny/Fate: sorta
* Angels: fuck no
* Ghosts: yes
* UFO's: nope
-----------FRIENDS AND LIFE------------------
* Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend: no
* Who's the loudest: God
* Who do you go to for advice: Ben sometimes
* Who do you cry with: nobody
* What's the best feeling in the world: hehe...
* Worst Feeling: anguish
>> You and Yourself
1) What's your name? - Garth
2) Do you like your name? - sure
3) What other names were your parents going to name you? - Ezra
4) And if you were born the opposite sex? dunno
5) What is the most annoying name? - Brickface
6) What is the most attractive name? - Virginia maybe?
7) Ever wish you were a member of the opposite sex? - not really
8) How often do you wash/bathe? - about everyday
9) Where do you shave? - my face...christ
10) How do you relax? - i draw
11) What are your pet peeves? - i fucking hate little annoying things that people do
>> You and Others
1) Who is your best friend? - Jesus
2) Why are they your best friend? - he gives a good massage
3) Do you have many enemies? - nah
4) Do you find it easy to get on with other people? - nah
5) Do you talk to strangers? - sometimes
6) Prefer to talk to people younger or older than you? - what the fuck kinda question is that?
7) Are you patient when talking to others? - yeah
8) How to you deal with people that annoy you? - i hate them on the inside
9) Would you say you are polite? - maybe
10) Do you talk to your neighbours? - No.
11) If you see an accident or incident, do you inquire about it? - yeah
>> You and Love
1) Are you in a relationship with anyone? - no
2) If so, do you think he/she is 'the one'? -
3) If not, are you currently looking? - eh
4) Would you ever have an affair, and why? - maybe
5) Do you agree with casual sex? - yeah
6) Would you have a relationship with someone that already had children? - why not?
7) How old do you want to be when you marry? - dead
8) Or have children? - double dead
9) What would you call your future children? (Male and Female) - calico and gutterwash
10) Would you ever marry an 80-year-old millionaire? - well the price is right
11) What is your age limit for relationships? - huh?
>> You and Life
1) What do you want as a future career? - an alcoholic
2) What are your ambitions? - poetry
3) How long do you want to live for? - wrinkles
4) Believe in growing old disgracefully? - yeah
5) How would you want to die? - off a tall building
6) How would you want your funeral? - similar to the circus
7) Would you kill yourself if a loved one died? - maybe
8) If you had one last request, what would it be? - a soda?
9) If you only had a month to live, what would you do? - heroin
10) What is the point of life? - there is none
11) What are you living for? - love maybe, art?
>> What is your opinion on...
1) The war against Iraq? - bad
2) Discrimination? - bad
3) Smacking children? - bad
4) Football hooligans? - bad
5) The fire service strikes? - huh?
6) Obesity? - bad
7) Online dating? - bad
8) Adultery? - eh... so so
9) Euthanasia? - bad
10) Vegetarian diets? - silly
11) Self harm? - i'll just skip this one
>> You and Situations
1) If you could save only one person from a burning building, your favoured parental figure or a doctor with the knowledge to cure a disease such as HIV or cancer, whom would you save? - hmmm... maybe the doctor
2) If you (or your other half) were expecting a child, but were told that due to unfortunate complications, only the mother or child could be saved, which would you let die? - the child, definately
3) If you were trapped in a lift that was about to collapse with a elderly lady and a young boy, who has the right to escape first? - the boy
4) How would you react if you came home and caught your best friend cheating on your trusted other half? - i might kill someone
5) Would you sacrifice your own life for a loved one or family member? - yes.
6) Would you ever donate any of your organs to anyone, either a loved one or a total stranger that needed it? - not a stranger
7) Would you ever abort your own child, or place them up for adoption if they were disabled or unplanned? - maybe
8) If your best friend's other half was cheating on them, and you knew, would you tell your friend, or confront his other half? - confront the other half first
9) How would you react if your own child was a murderer and placed on death row? Would you campaign for or against their life? - for
10) If a family member or loved one were killed either through an accident or murder, would you demand justice, the killer's death, or try and forgive them? - If it's accidental, I could probably forgive. if it was murder, i'd want them in jail for life, probably.
11) Finally, if you were called up for war, would you go for your country, or refuse and face jail? - canada