Mar 02, 2004 23:45
i just sat online for the last 45 minutes, wondering where everyone was... why i wasn't being IMed or anything.
i didn't sign onto aim. that entire time i was waiting for a flash of ims or something and i had never clicked "sign on"
i. am. an. idiot.
anyway, apparently my name has been the source of an interesting rumor. it got a little out of control. but now my life seems to be returning to normal and the waves have died down. everything is good and normal and the zen balance has returned.
this makes me happy. now i'm going to go resume my meditative state and ponder the truly important things in life. like how did that lisa chick on american idol open her mouth so damn wide? honestly, that was a work of art. i was inspired by the sheer width of it.
im running low on my mountain air cleanliness. i need to go back. that's some good shizzle there.
ha. i said shizzle. okay, im going away.