Mar 10, 2006 19:14
Please I warn you i am not a psycho but I something very weird happened..... I found some mutated perverted lyrics that I regret writting please do not judge me. Please this is not like me at all! Gun powder does turn me on....
looking back I don't know where I wrote some of these lyrics...
I just found one about....
well something dirty lol and I can't beleive that came out of my mind.
Its about a girl who is aroused by guns (as in a rifle) and she's crazy but her mind is messed up so for some reason the smell of gun powder is super atractive to her... well anyways one day when shes aone she decides to give in.....
she ends up killing herself lol '
It makes no sense!!! Ahhh Im so weird I must have been on some cold medeine or something cus I cant remeber writting these lyrics only the first verse I remember
wow Im sick
Im a such a crazy bastard I seriously can barely remeber writting this down... its so dirty and odd.. .
I must have been trying to rip off Venus in Furs or something.... this was such a long time ago ahh I was a sick 7th grader.. lol
and no I will not post the lyrics cus I couldnt finish reading them myself..... They were weird... not graphic just weird