Dec 13, 2005 01:54
I haven't updated in two weeks. Anddd I wasn't going to, but Anna told me I had to, so here we go.
November23rd- Dom took me to get my tattoo. It only took a half an hour. We got Big Leo and went on a beer run. We picked up little Leo and the went to George's for a party. It was snowing! First snow no less. Got drunk and Dom, BK, Pat, AVL and myself came back here. Jena, Kelley and Feef were here for a little bit with JP.
November24th- Thanksgiving. Got fat at dinner. Flashlight tag didn't go down as planned.
November 25th- Pat had a party. A lot of people I dont normally get to see anymore were there like Chris Bach, Matt Swift, Tommy Stadler, Jake Johnson and Steve LeBrun. I played beer pong for my first time and kicked ass. when the night was over it was Adam, Pat, BK and myself left over.
November26th-We got our christmas tree. Pat had another party. I went over his house around 7 o take care of Bandit. Anna and JP came over around 10. That was also when pat got home, Connor arrived and Doug showed up. I didn't feel like being there, and since Anna drove our car over to Pats, I illegally drove home at 1230 and almost got killed by some drunken asshole.
November 27th through Decmeber 2nd is forgotten. I seriously don't remember what happened those days. I know there were countless hanging outs here and a few trips to Maria D's and so on.
December 3rd- Ring Dance. I helped get Anna and Ally ready for the dance. JP, Dom, Ally, Anna, and Jena were here for pictures. littleLeo was over too. After they left for the dance, him, myslef and Lindsey went to the mall. Then we went to George's to clean up. We cleaned and then Lindsey and I went to get Wiz, get money, get her mom, get beer, drop her mom off, went to Meekers and met people, went to Casey's, back to George's, back to Casey's with some kids and then back to George's. Lindsey and I came here. Dom, JP, Jena, Anna, Ako, AVL, BK, Adam and Pat came back here to get drunk and pass out. That night was also the second snowfall!
Again, December 4th through December 7th have slipped my mind. Not sure what I did on those days.
December 9th- at 230 it started snowing. The first big snow fall of the year. Anna, Jp, Dom and myself went to see Chronicals of Narnia around 6 that night. That movie was AMAZING. We went to Taco Bell afterwards. We came back here and got drunk with Pat, Adam and AVL.
December 10th-Pat, Adam, Sofia, Lucia and Megan came over later on in the night. Adam and Pat stayed the night and crashed early.
December 11th- I took my dad shopping for my mom. Anna came over after play practice. Dad made us burgers.
December 12th- Adam dropped Anna and JP off here after school. Dom came over around 5. He and I watched some D grade movie. JP and Anna re-surfaced. Connor and Anthony came over for a little bit. Anna's mom came to get here and they left. Dom left soon after. JP and I had fun taking out the trash.
Up until like 2 days ago, i felt unwated by everyone. It seemed, and I'm not alone on this, that people were being really mean to me for a long while. I was kind of withdrawn for a while hoping whatever was wrong would fade away. It did. No ones being an asshole anymore. I've made peace with the people I wasn't getting along with for a while.
Now that I feel loved again, I have another problem.
I'm really not at liberty to post it on an LJ. I could but I wont. My brother, Dom, BK, Anna and Pat know all about it. I'll just say it's sad when you live your life and/or past through other people. And I feel bad for how I'm acting. Even though I haven't come out and said how I feel, the person must feel like I hate them. I can't help that though because it is how I feel. I can't change that.
well Anna Zink, my little one, happy? haha