"Nothing to a giant, baby. Let's keep it funky."

Mar 05, 2005 00:32

I think I just had one of the worst nights in a long time. I just feel so used. It started out good. Got a call from Alex askin if I wanted to go to a party with him and John and Chip and Gerald...basically they needed a ride. In the past couple weeks, that's the only reason I get a call from him or John. So I go over there and hang out at John's for a while waiting for Gerald. Then we had to wait for Chip's brother. By the time we left John's house, it was 10:30. The directions to this place we were going were all wrong and John called the kid who was having the party to get directions and they were all trippin on shrooms so they had no clue what they were talking about and we drove around for what seemed like forever before we got there. I didn't even feel like going in so I sat in my car. It was quite apparent that they didn't really WANT me there, just needed me to get them there. I played Tetris on my phone for about 15 minutes and then Alex came out. He wanted to leave so I told him to tell them that I wanted to go so he didn't look like the bad guy. It just sucked. All that for them to go in for 15 fucking minutes. We should have just stayed here, there were better parties in Bonnet...

I wish someone liked me for me, instead of for the fact that I have a car and I'm weak and let people dick me over. How much you wanna bet that I hardly hear from Alex once he's got his license back?
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