I hate my mother

May 12, 2005 10:13

I hate the faces you make, I hate the way you yell at me, I hate the way you put me down and tell me I'm no good, I hate the way you don't believe in me, I hate the way you're not proud of me, I hate your clothes (especially the ripped jeans where everyone can see your ass), I hate everything you THINK you stand for, I hate how you always think that you're cool, I hate how you always think that you're right, I hate your hair, I hate how you try to get me in trouble with everyone, I hate how you try to make me look bad, I hate that you know how to make me cry...and you do it all the time, I hate how you yell at me for crying when you know you did it intentionally, I hate how you push me to the point where I mutilate myself (that's right, that habit still hasn't gone away), I hate the way you stress me out, I hate the way you hate everything that I do, I hate the way you always complain, I hate the way that you're always not getting along with SOMEONE (here's a thought, maybe it's your annoying personality and not them), I hate how you think you're better than everyone, I hate how you think I'm stupid, I hate how you think I'm always going to rely on you, I hate how you think I'm going to listen to you when you tell me I can't move to Virginia, I hate how you think I'm always going to come running back, I hate how you think I actually tell you what's really bothering me, I hate how you think that just because you're my mother that I'm always going to love you, I hate how you think that I owe you something just because you "pushed me out" (in your own words), I hate how you tell everyone my business, I hate how you know my social security number, I hate how you're sneaky, I hate how you accuse me of being sneaky (I want to be NOTHING like you), I hate how you accuse me of being lazy (who's the one who is lying to the insurance company so you don't have to work and you can stay home?), I hate how you tell me to get a job (you're 43 and don't have one), I hate how you tell me to save money (you don't save your's either), I hate how you're a hypocrite, I hate how you tell me I'm going nowhere, I hate how you PRETEND to care.

I hate that I was *blessed* with such a piece of work for a mother.
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