Nov 30, 2005 08:54
So it is just another day at work. I am waiting for the surveyors to get done with some sewer as-builts. Once they get done, which will hopefully be soon, I can go ahead and do the construction guarantee and the facility capacity/velocity calculations…
The surveyors have been doing a lot for me lately on all of my current jobs… Sumner Viewpoint, Bohemian Estates, Woodland Hills 2 and 3, and Meridian Condominiums. The asbuilts for Woodland Hills were supposed to have been done a week ago, but they have been busy on all of the others. I called Dennis yesterday asking the status of the asbuilts, he did a conference call so I could hear him in the background asking his minions where my as-builts were. He was talking to someone and there response was what asbuilts? So yeah, they are working on them right now : ) It wasn’t mean or anything, everyone was pretty much laughing. A good day is when I don’t have to talk to the surveyors, when I have to talk to them it means there is a problem and I would much rather avoid any problems. The surveyors know that and I think they feel the same about having to talk to the engineers.
Today I am doing the whole Junior Achievement thing. Should be lots of fun. I really am a typical girl, I went through 3 different outfits this morning… I wanted something kinda conservative, kinda layed back, and something kinda professional but not too professional. I remember when I was a 4th grader and people who wore suits and dressed like “Men in Black” were intimidating to me. Heck, people in suits, are still intimidating.
I am kinda working on getting a roommate. It won’t be for about another 6 months but in the mean time I am going to help find them a job in the seattle area. I don’t know what I am going to do yet about the apt. I would kinda like to move into a house even if I am just renting the house. So we’ll see how things go. There is a home buyers seminar this weekend that I am going to try and go to. Only time will tell.