Jun 03, 2004 15:23
today was a nice day nothing really exciting happened just that im finally half way down for the list of guest for my sweet sixteen 1st period nothing happened 2nd period same shit 3rd same shit 4th i played softball in gym nd yea 5th was italian nd took my listening final 6&7 i had a sub in chem so i didnt do the work nd i cryed b/c joanna was making me laugh so hard then me nd joanna went to the lunch room nd got food for like everyone in our class nd made a lil pit stop at the auditorium to see martha nd anna lol 8th period i took a practice global regents which i think i did good on nd 9th period i got to play in orchestra oh dear god then afterschool me nd tara had to make up gym class we had to run the mile holy shit not fun wen you dont change nd you leave yours jeans underneath your sweatpants lol nd now im home nd only gotz math hw not bad but i have to be at senior awards tonite nd i doubt im gonna have a stand partner either but oh well so thats the day so far i'll see ya later bye bye