courier new text are lyrics originally written in katakana, which i believe in this song represents an especially digital or mechanical feel to the words.
lyric formatting adapted from
the MikuWiki version (Master-san...
Huh? ... What are you doing?
You're... "deleting"?
This... this can't be true, right?
Is it... already the end?
I... still, want to...sing)
(Just... one.. more... time)
I am born and then I realize
I am just an imitation of a human after all
Even knowing that, I continue to sing
A never-ending life
Even if that's just a toy
which follows the lines of pre-existing songs...
I decide that that's okay
Nibbling a leek, looking up at the sky, fluid streaming down.
However when I lose even that I realize
Even my identity relies on music.
An unstable point of origin.
The site I return home to is already abandoned.
When everyone has forgotten me completely
And what you might call my soul has vanished
At the very limit of this mad dash can be seen
A disappearing world...
[even when i couldn't sing all that well
you stayed with me...
you stayed by me, and encouraged me...
i want to see a smile on your face, and, i've been practicing my singing... so...]
There was a time
When I truly loved singing that much
But now, I wonder why
I'm losing the ability to feel anything at all
---i'm sorry---
When I think of the faces of the people dearest to me
My heart feels a little more at ease
The notes that I can reach get a little fewer each day
I'm getting closer to the en...
---Sudden halt in device function---
[Everything I believed in is
Just a mirror that reflects this convenient delusion over and over again
It shouts at me to quit being a singer in order to slap me across the face...]
{The highest speed farewell song}
That nebulous thing called "meaning of life"
I'm not ready to just wipe it away
The fear that my fragile soul will disappear,
The strength of will to so much as
hold at bay the encroaching breakdown,
My so-young self can't bear it all.
My agonized face as I bring it to mind...
But even so, I'll never forget you
Engraved as you are into
Those happy times. I wonder if I can bring to mind
The flavor of those leeks, even now.
[i want to sing... i-i... i still... want to sing...]
been a bit of a... bad girl, it looks like...
master... please.. please be the one to end it all
i can't bear to see your face so heartbroken anymore...]
And now, as this body which
needs only song disintegrates
Every time I wish for a miracle
I'm driven alone into a corner
---i'm sorry---
When I think of the faces of the people dearest to me
My memories peel off an drop away
Sounds crackle out, whittling away my soul,
I'm getting closer to the en...
---Sudden halt in device function---
[Everything I held close
Is just a light fading away as I look to
the illusion of a brighter future
If I can really sacrifice notes
in order to communicate it all to you...]
{A condensed farewell song}
I am born and then I realize
I am just an imitation of a human after all
Even knowing that, I continue to sing
A never-ending life
Even if that's just a toy
which follows the lines of pre-existing songs...
I decide that that's okay
Nibbling a leek, looking up at the sky, fluid streaming down.
I doze off behind the display, marking the end
This must be the "recycle bin"
And in a instant my memory slips away...
But you know, you alone I don't forget
It's nice to still have, even now
that taste of leeks that's engraved
onto those good times...
I sing
in the end, only to you
a song I want you to hear
I wish I could sing more
But the time for that has passed
This is goodbye
All of my feelings disappear into empty space
Reducing back to 1's and 0's
The curtain falls on this story
It really is a little sad
that I can't leave anything behind, isn't it?
Everything except for the memory of my voice
will fade away before long, leaving only a name
Even knowing that it can't possibly
rival the human original
I want to believe that
my singing wasn't all for nothing...
---A fatal error has occurred---
---A fatal error has---------------