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Jan 04, 2008 07:09

-Obama won in Iowa,heres hopin he crushes Hillary in New Hampshire.Quite frankly,I'd rather have someone with the least experience in that job because for the last 40 years its been experienced people in there and they've flushed this country down the toilet while fucking American citizens up the ass as hard as they can with a rusty pipe filled with shards of glass.
-Hillary Clinton especially can't be trusted.Her actions in the past 8 years can be described thusly: Pandering to whatever she thinks Americans want to hear and then doing absolutely nothing about it in the end except trying to further her own fucking agenda.
-John Edwards places second for the democrats and is most likely not going to win.In 4 years he has made no progress in Iowa,and his only reason for continuing to campaign is most likely to try an get a VP nomination from Obama and keep Hillary out.

-Huckabee takes it for the republicans and all I can say is shame on you Iowa.What the hell is wrong with this world when the best reason they can get for voting for someone is "Well,he was a minister!"?WHO THE FUCK CARES?Being a goddamn minister doesnt qualify you for being president,it should be looked upon as a reason NOT to elect someone to that office.He refuses to believe in evolution as even being possible for fucks sake.
-And further shame on having Mitt Romney place second.Did Iowans bother looking at what he did to Massachusetts during his reign of terror?He dutifully ignored safety concerns over the Big Dig and had the one person who was trying to get these concerns addressed(Christy Mihos{sp}) fired.As we all can surely remember,this led to the death of a woman as a piece of concrete fell from above and smashed into her vehicle.Mayhaps Iowans ignored the budget cuts for education and health care Romney instituted as well,or the fact that he spent as little time as possible in the damned state to begin with.
-Republicans do get a big plus for letting Rudy Guliani fall to sixth,that mans platform is repeating the mantra "9/11" as often as possible.
-Ron Paul takes fifth for the Republicans there showing that grassroots campaigning does have some effect,as he beats Rudy and vows to continue to New Hampshire.If more media coverage were given to him he could become a viable candidate,and as far as republicans go is my number one choice.If we cant have progress,we may as well have a guy who will do his damndest to stick to the constitution and at the very least he is most likely (apart from McCain I suppose) to tear apart the remnants of the Bush administration and set republicans back onto a path that can be respected by this country.They have a lot to own up to,and Congressman Paul is the most likely republican to make sure they do.

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