Who Fic: Open, Shut

Aug 21, 2008 04:53

Title: Open, Shut
Characters: Rose/10.5 (dude needs a better name, srsly)
Rating: G
Spoilers: up to and including Journey's End
Disclaimer: The rights to Doctor Who belong to the BBC, not myself. I am making no money off of this.
Notes: Written for 15_minute_fic prompt #72. Apparently I only do even numbers. In accordance with their rules, the prompt is hidden under the cut.

Word count: 225

Prompt: open

Open. Shut. Open. Shut.

Was Rose ever bored.

Open. Shut. "Could you not do that?"

Rose put the pocketwatch away. For reasons he had yet to explain, the Doctor (well, Doctor v. 10.5) had gained an aversion to pocketwatches while they'd been separated.

"Thank you," said Xerox Doc, followed shortly by, "am I ever bored."

"I thought you were trying to build a new sonic screwdriver," said Rose.

"I was. I finished. See?" X-2 held up a sonic screwdriver for Rose's approval. "So now I'm bored again."

"I thought you were going to use that to make yourself a vortex manipulator."

"Yes, well, I was thinking about that. 'You've done it, Bluesuit,' thought I. 'Now you can make that vortex manipulator!' But then I thought, 'what a let-down that'd be after 900 years of TARDIS travel.'"

"I thought you were going to use it to aquire the parts for a proper TARDIS."

"I thought about that, too." Blue Ten went silent, his expression now sober.


"I miss her."

Er. Rose chanced a guess. "Donna?"

"The TARDIS!" CloneyDoctor paused. "And yes, Donna too. Now there was a companion."

"Oi! What am I, then?"

Unable to think of a good word to answer with, human!Doctor kissed her instead. It was great.

But they did have an entire week of mandatory vacation left to kill.

Open. Shut.

doctor who, fanfiction (by me), who fic (by me)

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