Hey, I can post again! And I know what was going on now. Someone in my area must have been part of the botnet attacking LJ. It overlapped with unrelated ISP suck, and the news I saw from LJ was too vague for me to diagnose anything with until just now. But it's sorted.
Anyway, meme. Three giant walls of text, coming right up.
dragonessa24, (
top five Doctor Who episodes. )
Loved your reasons for The Doctor, although this: He is occasionally really hot made me LOL more than it probably should have!
I love watching her turn from the faily person we met in The Runaway Bride into the best companion ever the slow way in Turn Left, but also how she was able to make that change on her own offscreen during S3.
We are of the same mind about Donna. I think this is also why I'm one of the few people who's not all "Die, RTD! Die!" when it comes to end of Donna's story in JE. I firmly believe that she's not doomed to a life of pre-Doctor fail-tasticness (which honestly I don't think is all the "Woe! Awfulness!" that a lot of people seem to make it out to be, but then again, I loved TRB!Donna) just because the Doctor wiped her memories.
Or at least he was, before the magical healing powers of the right woman "cured" him and made him love being around people.
As much as I love him, that smile at the end of the game still freaks me out.
I'm glad I made you LOL. I stand by my statement.
I hated her so much in The Runaway Bride. I thought the reason I liked her in S4 was because she was a completely different character that just had the same name and actress. Then after Turn Left, when I saw how they were the same person, I rewatched The Runaway Bride and now I love her in it because she's still Donna.
Personally, I don't hate it when bad things happen to my favorite characters. It means they're getting more screen time and attention from the writers. Only the Rose/Handy part of that ending bothered me. And you're right, Donna is going to be awesome with or without the Doctor around.
As much as I love him, that smile at the end of the game still freaks me out.
You and every other person I know.
I think I'm one of five people who liked TRB!Donna, and it's mainly because she was the opposite of what I was expecting (and I was totally with her on the yelling at the Doctor).
I'm with her on the yelling at the Doctor, too. He needs it. I just thought her IQ might be missing a digit.
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