NAME: Dominic Sorel (bymyowneyes) NOTES: In general, Dominic's a pretty honest person--he doesn't really fake emotions. He'll put on a polite smile around civilians and the like, but he's not a faker for the most part. If he's sad, he'll appear sad, etc.
Overall, he's a fairly balanced person. He gets annoyed easily, but he knows how to stay calm. He's also a very confident person--not necessarily in his abilities, but in his beliefs. He's past the point of doubting himself.
Appearance: Here, except also with a red ribbon tied around his left arm, just below the blue bit.
NAME: Billy Iketani (aimforthesun) NOTES: Billy fakes smiles and laughs half the time. He's not really trying to hide anything, except maybe to the general public (given that he's something of a celebrity and he thus can't afford to be the real jerkass that he is). Otherwise, he has no problems with making it obvious that he's faking it all, if only to piss the other person off. He lives to annoy other people, usually in a subtle way so that even they called him out on it, he'd just play the innocent card.
Interestingly enough, though, one of the easiest ways to gauge how real his smile is how large it is--chances are, if it's not that big of a smile, it's a honest one.
The other half of the time he typically has a deadpan, if not slightly annoyed, look on his face. Past his plastered cheerfulness, he's actually kind of aloof. He loves attention and fame--not genuine socializing.
Underneath that all, Billy's actually rather expressive. Seriously, stick a cat near him and see what happens.
Appearance: He wears a plain white T-shirt with jeans and headphones around his neck. Sometimes he'll pull on a pair of gloves with the letter B on them.
NOTES: In general, Dominic's a pretty honest person--he doesn't really fake emotions. He'll put on a polite smile around civilians and the like, but he's not a faker for the most part. If he's sad, he'll appear sad, etc.
Overall, he's a fairly balanced person. He gets annoyed easily, but he knows how to stay calm. He's also a very confident person--not necessarily in his abilities, but in his beliefs. He's past the point of doubting himself.
Appearance: Here, except also with a red ribbon tied around his left arm, just below the blue bit.
App, if it'll help
NAME: Billy Iketani (aimforthesun)
NOTES: Billy fakes smiles and laughs half the time. He's not really trying to hide anything, except maybe to the general public (given that he's something of a celebrity and he thus can't afford to be the real jerkass that he is). Otherwise, he has no problems with making it obvious that he's faking it all, if only to piss the other person off. He lives to annoy other people, usually in a subtle way so that even they called him out on it, he'd just play the innocent card.
Interestingly enough, though, one of the easiest ways to gauge how real his smile is how large it is--chances are, if it's not that big of a smile, it's a honest one.
The other half of the time he typically has a deadpan, if not slightly annoyed, look on his face. Past his plastered cheerfulness, he's actually kind of aloof. He loves attention and fame--not genuine socializing.
Underneath that all, Billy's actually rather expressive. Seriously, stick a cat near him and see what happens.
Appearance: He wears a plain white T-shirt with jeans and headphones around his neck. Sometimes he'll pull on a pair of gloves with the letter B on them.
Over here, if you want to take a look
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