Sorry, I've been slipping back into being an LJ-bum. So, first and foremost, Sarah is back from the hospital after a skin graft operation for her arm. She's resting and recuperating at home with her mom. She seems to be doing really well, though a bit sore from the operation, understandably. So all things considered, as far as I'm concerned, she's doing great! =)
My Vespa, on the other hand, is not doing so hot. For the second time in two months I blew up the clutch. On my way to work yesterday, my throttle cable broke inside the headseet. I ended up pulling the inner cable out, then feeding it between the panel and the frame, so that I could control with my hand. It was a little shakey, but I made it just fine. On the way home though, when I came to a light, the throttle cable got stuck wide open, causing the motor to overrev, which basically caused the clutch basket to either split or shatter, and come apart inside the case. Ouch! I have yet to take the clutch cover off, I'm a bit apprehensive to see what it's like inside. In any event, I figure the stock Cosa clutch just isn't strong enough to handle the power of the Malossi 210 kit. Luckily, I found a performance clutch that's much stronger, which should do the trick. Now I just need to order it and wait for it to arrive from Germany.
I've been posting a lot of pictures on my flickr account lately. If you want to, have a look: I will eventually be catching up on uploading the last two years' or so worth of photos, but right now I'm backfilling some of my earlier pictures and making some other updates. I have a lot of work ahead of me still, but I have a feeling it will be pretty cool once it's all done. I like flickr, it's pretty easy to work with, and you can do a lot with it. Stay tuned for more!